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  1. S

    COMP063 late entry - lacewood veneered box - finished!

    Nice one Steve, get yer skates on and lets have some more WIP Pictures. Cheers Lee.
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    Quick Doors in SU

    Cheers Dave, Newbie SU user here! Thats the sort of Tips I like to see. Got any More? Thanks Lee. :D
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    COMP063 Competition -Finished!

    At Last Its done! Details:- Made from 12"x1" Pine Boards. Handcut Dovetails. Mahogany Tray Runners and Joint Strips in the Lid. Handmade Brass Hinges. Cherry Ply (6mm) for the base. 'Coopered' Lid. This is the 3rd thing that I have ever made, apart from the workshop that I made...
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    COMP063 Entry -WIP More (Big) Pictures added

    Yes the Danish Oil is a satin finish. Not sure about the hard wearing question as its the first time I've used it on anything in anger. I guess a few weeks with my 5yro son jumping on it will test it :shock: It is very easy to apply, which is useful for me as I don't have a clue. I'll let...
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    COMP063 Entry -WIP More (Big) Pictures added

    They are Solid Brass with steel pins. I just thought I'd have a go. My Dad is a model Engineer so I 'borrowed' a bit of brass and set to it with a hacksaw and some swiss files. No other reason than I wanted to try it. Not really worth the bother but what the heck. :) It makes a simple box a...
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    COMP063 Entry -WIP More (Big) Pictures added

    Thanks Steve, Thought about that. Do I have to make the Dovetails at the top a bit larger to allow for the thickness of the saw blade. Or is it not noticeable on a large box? Also Sometimes when I rip things the wood bends after I have cut it. Would this distort the lid? Or is it my poor...
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    COMP063 Entry -WIP More (Big) Pictures added

    Nearly There now. Hinges Fitted and Danish Oil is touch dry. Lid is finished. applying the Oil Handmade Hinges :D It will be finished and Photographed Properly on Wednesday. Thanks for looking. Lee.
  8. S

    New Drill

    I have had this one for around 5 years so far. No Problems at all. Plenty of power, been dropped, stood on etc. never lets me down. I have a Chuck adapter with it so I can use ordinary bits too. Very Good Value at that price. Lee.
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    Our Golden Wedding

    Congrats :D 50 years whew, well done. Lee.
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    First Sign Of Spring In Smithville

    Hi Richard, Glad you're seeing some spring weather. It was 32F in my workshop yesterday when I went in there. :shock: I had when of those moments with a neighbor too. I had just put some Danish Oil on my competition entry, someone called in to say hello. He said thats looking nice and...
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    Change of heating

    Hi Waka I've just put one in my new Workshop It works well, but I'm not sure I would have one at home if I had close neighbors. My workshop is on a farm so it doesn't matter. The flue already has black gunge running down it...
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    SketchUp Reg Code?

    Martin, I got mine straight away. Although I think I did mine on a weekday. Maybe because its weekend some approves the purchase manually? Have you checked the CC statement online? Can you see if the payment has cleared? You could always call them I guess? Lee.
  13. S

    COMP063 Steve Maskery - Mirror

    Yeah Thanks Steve, :roll: I'm going to use my box as kindlin in the morning. Very Nice. If only I could do that :oops: Lee.
  14. S

    COMP063 Entry -WIP More (Big) Pictures added

    It's getting there now. You can see the story on my website I hope to have it finished by Sunday Night. Any advice greatly appreciated BTW. I'm getting a bit out of my depth now :oops: Cheers Lee.
  15. S

    Pencil, Pen or knife? What do you use?

    :D :D :D Ha Ha, I just spat my coffee. 'Pimp my Square'. Very good. Good review BTW. Thanks. I've ordered one now :oops: I'm on the slope now and no mistake! Lee.
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    Pencil, Pen or knife? What do you use?

    Cheers everybody. Some food for thought :D Alf - I like the look of that little square too. Care to tell me who by and where from? :) Thanks Lee.
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    Pencil, Pen or knife? What do you use?

    ALF I'm interested in you're marking knife. Could you tell us a little bit more, or post a piccie. Thanks Lee.
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    Spear & Jackson saws?

    :shock: Wow Mike, What do you use that for? Paddling a canoe? :D Lee.
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    Pencil, Pen or knife? What do you use?

    What does the list use for marking out? Ordinary HB Pencils, Automatic pencils? If so what size etc. The thought occurred to me whilst doing some dovetails the other day. I was using a 0.5 Automatic Pencil and the line ended up looking quite wide. It would allow for quite a loose fitting...
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    First Post, Past Mistake - Split oak

    Hi Shark, Welcome! :D Posting a picture of the problem would be great if you could. We like pictures round here :wink: PS My avatar was little large to start with also. I soon changed it after some ribbing :oops: Nice Picture though. Cheers Lee.