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  1. S

    Sycamore & Walnut Box

    Whats the record.. Maybe :twisted: Hey Matt you're always welcome to come and visit. You just have to teach me something and supply the biscuits :D Cheers Lee.
  2. S

    Wanted - Turning Tools.

    Hello all, I have managed to aquire FOC a fairly large Lathe. It came with a faceplate and (dont know what the real name is) pronged drive. The Tailstock is the bearing type. Construction is very solid and it has 5 Speeds via a changeable belt drive. It has a very quiet Induction motor...
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    Sycamore & Walnut Box

    Erm, Honestly No, I dont like it much. :oops: I also think its a bit 'fussy'. Design is not my strongest point. I didn't have a plan as such, just 'sketch' in my head. I shouldn't say I dont like it as it's a present, but what the hell. However, I did like making it very much and I do think my...
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    Robs New Workshop - The Base

    :shock: Its gonna be Nice! Good luck with the rest of the build. Is this youre first workshop or a replacement/Bigger one? Cheers Lee.
  5. S

    As A Community

    Gill, Seems like a very fitting tribute to a much missed Person. I'm only a beginner but I would be happy to make something for Auction etc. Not sure anything I make would raise too much cash but something is better than nothing. You can count me in. Regards Lee.
  6. S

    The Move is ON!

    Looks like you deserve one too :D Nice one. Good luck in you're new home to you and youre family. Regards Lee.
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    Sycamore & Walnut Box

    Hello all, Finished something else today. I had a visit to John Boddys whilst working up that way last week. I called in 'just for a look' and spent about 3 hours sorting through stacks of fantastic wood. I left about £150 worse off :oops: Anyway, I bought some Sycamore, Walnut, Spalted...
  8. S

    Hi from Canada

    Hello Flyer and welcome to the forum. We MUST see some pictures of youre handywork :wink: Lee.
  9. S

    Help at last

    Mans best friend..... Cool. :D
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    A workbench for a total beginner

    I had the boards on some of them cheap plastic saw horses from B&Q. I used a Rule that was removed from an old A0 drawing board as a straight edge to use as a reference. I number all the pieces so that they went back together in the same order. Than I just kept working at 2 pieces at a time...
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    Dovetails show the craftsman

    Corset, I'm still only five or six projects into my woodworking career. I have all of my dovetails that I have cut and I can see they are getting better everytime that I do them. However I am still very dissatisfied with with my latest efforts. I get the feeling I will never be 'totaly' happy...
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    A workbench for a total beginner

    Joining the boards was not too bad, it was quite a bit of work with the #4 1/2 stanley to get flat faces. I found the trickiest bit was the gluing up, the boards would slide about relative to each other, of course I didn't have a bench to work on-just the garage floor. I ended up gluing 3 at a...
  13. S

    New Guy Here

    Welcome John, Dont forget we like to see pictures round here. :wink: Show us what you have been making. Regards Lee.
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    A workbench for a total beginner

    Keefaz, The first thing I did was build a bench. I had a few books out from my local library. Mostly the books were saying that anything will get you started as long as its sturdy. So I built this Its made of Pine Scant from B&Q. It cost roughly £35 to make. Including the first vice...
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    Been Looking at Google Earth...

    I went through Fartown in Huddersfield today. :D
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    Been Looking at Google Earth...

    Ha Ha. No the water treatment works has long been closed. Thankfully. When I pointed at the spot I was pointing at the building to the left of the tree. Thats my workshop. :oops: Anyway thanks for looking.
  17. S

    Been Looking at Google Earth...

    Google Earth is great for wasting LOTS of time :oops: My workshop 53°26'27.97"N 2°24'24.06"W Lee.
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    Strictly an amateur...

    Nice Work Rob, thats well above beginner standard I reckon. :D I really like the one with the curved top. Tell us how you made it. Regards Lee. =D> =D> =D>
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    Look what the postman brought.

    Cor - Very Nice. Let us know how you get on, I would love to own one. Maybe I will after you're review :wink: Lee.
  20. S

    Competition Results

    So did mine :D I'm very pleased too. Thanks to all the efforts of the UKW team. Cheers lee.