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  1. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    As the commentator said IF ONLY, how the hell did he miss that :shock: Cheers Mike
  2. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    Yeah fair enough Colin, but what a dream it would have been for SA, but who knows they could still do it. I love the under dogs :lol: Cheers Mike
  3. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    Lucky Buggers 1.1 He just was not marked Cheers Mike
  4. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    SOUTH AFRICA 1 UP and what a goal it was. =D> =D> =D> =D> Simply Brilliant Cheers Mike
  5. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    WE CAN DO IT Cheers Mike
  6. M

    FOR SALE: LN saws(SOLD)...and WH replacements

    Andy if I could get hold of you now. Here's me thinking I'll wind Rob up, and so I copy the above, sneek quietly under cover of dark to the hand tool section, and am just above to leave my message when what do I see but your bleeding post :twisted: Cheers Mike :lol:
  7. M

    "Axminster, Tranquility Base Here, The Eagle Has Landed

    I had an idea you would pop up Chad. :lol: You EB looks very nice where it is thank you. :lol: Cheers Mike
  8. M

    SCMS and tool repairs

    This is exactly why forums like this are so good. Alright being 100's of miles away I will probably never even see let alone use the shop, but there are many of other members who can. There are very few businesses left that would turn the chance of £500 down to make just £20. Andy thanks for...
  9. M

    Bandsaw Advice Needed

    Oh that's very nice Dick, trying to get rid of me :lol: Cheers Mike
  10. M

    "Axminster, Tranquility Base Here, The Eagle Has Landed

    Thanks Jim it is big isn't it, and thanks for looking out for one at Sittingbourne. As I don't live anywhere near an Axminster outlet, it's only thanks to Martin (Headclansman) and Philly (who have virtually the same saw) that I knew what I was getting and had the confidence to spend that sort...
  11. M

    The World Cup - Indifferenteers thread

    Steve no matter how much I try I can never wind you up mate. :wink: Your either the most laid back bloke on the planet, or you have plenty of teeth marks on the edge of your desk :lol: Cheers Mike
  12. M

    Bandsaw Advice Needed

    Obviously the fence on a normal bandsaw is not high enough if you need to resaw or cut veneers getting close to 10" or 12" tall, so what do you guys use to extend your fences and how do you attach it to your standard fence, or do you make a separate fence completely? If so do you have any links...
  13. M

    "Axminster, Tranquility Base Here, The Eagle Has Landed

    Olly your righto on both points, but it's still nice to have that extra inch or two. Thanks guys Cheers Mike
  14. M


    I have used Interparcel on a number of occasions, from picking up Trevtheturners (may he rest in peace) Tormek to selling a Scheppach 2500 table saw and on every occasion they have been first class. Admittedly they are not always the cheapest, but the extra cost is never that much. Cheers Mike
  15. M

    "Axminster, Tranquility Base Here, The Eagle Has Landed

    Thanks Philly it may very well be a misprint then :D Cheers Mike
  16. M

    The World Cup - Indifferenteers thread

    Steve remember the word I had in your shell like and the slap you will receive for opening your gob :wink: Anyway we are talking about the Tetley Tea Folk Summer Tea Drinking Contest which this year is being held within the Nutbush City Limits (can you tell that I am just listning to Tina...
  17. M

    "Axminster, Tranquility Base Here, The Eagle Has Landed

    Yes Rob I noticed that, and it is going to be one of my first tests when the saw is up and running. :D Martin, Philly or any other SWB4300/AP4300T/1 owners what does your plate say? Because when it comes to the depth of cut 40mm or nearly 2" is a big difference. Cheers Mike
  18. M

    "Axminster, Tranquility Base Here, The Eagle Has Landed

    Hi Martin, I'm after a wheeled base to put the saw on :wink: Thanks Pete. Cheers Mike
  19. M

    "Axminster, Tranquility Base Here, The Eagle Has Landed

    Alright, alright, it has all been done before, but I never claimed to be original. Anyway the nice man from Axminster bought me this little baby yesterday Sorry no not her, but this one. I don't know why but I love this bit. I am never going to need to use it but it just being...
  20. M

    Vroom, vroom, Le Mans

    Grown men driving around and around in circles for 24 hours and you have the front to slag football down :lol: What a load of f-ing cra.......... Now see how easy it is to go over the top. As it happens I also like Le Mans, so thanks Paul :wink: Cheers Mike