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  1. M

    Dewalt Radial Arm Saw - Help Please

    Here we go Chris, you can download it from here It says that it is for the DW125 but as far as my investigations have found out the DW125 is the Aussie version of the DW1251. I seem to remember another member having the manual which I think was Mailee, so...
  2. M

    Are Metabo tools ok?

    Hi Steve, yes Metabo who used to be Elektra Beckum do some excellent tools/machines. They are one of only a few companies that have an induction motor fitted to some of their 250mm mitre saws. I have the Elektra Beckum KGS301 which has an induction motor. I don't use it much now because I also...
  3. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    Who thinks that the ref's are a bit handy with the yellow and red cards so far? One thing I am sure of is that Cahill should never have been sent off. Alright the Germans were in another world compared to the aussies. but that really spoilt the game for me. Cheers Mike
  4. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    Hi Bob, No offence taken mate :lol: In fact I found it quite funny :lol: , because the cockneys have been called many things but never the mafia :lol: I must admit that there has been some strange goings on at Newcastle, but it's not only them, just look at Liverpool and poor Pompey. I think...
  5. M

    Neilsen routers

    Hi George, Ryobi is not that bad a manufacturer especially for the Diyer and you can find some bargains out there :D Cheers Mike
  6. M

    Neilsen routers

    George they are about £60 or £70 on ebay so £55 is not bad, but I have always thought that you should buy the best you can afford. Now for occasional use it might last you a lifetime, but it might also burn out in a week. It's like those 301 piece drill bit sets that you can get for £19.99...
  7. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    We better improve, because can you imagine the headlines if Slovenia kept their place at the top of the league and won the group :cry: If we finish runners up in the group we will meet Germany in the last 16, but if we win it we will have a good chance of playing Serbia who I am sure will be...
  8. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    Trim I have commited one sin that I HATE ABOUT NEWSPAPERS and that is build a player up, pin all your hopes on him, and then if he has an off day, or as you say is not fed the ball, shoot him down in the flames the day. I was so disappointed in the draw that I do as they do and blame someone...
  9. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    Lons wrote; Bob I was going to agree with you until you took the cockney name in vain, now you can bugger off and fight your own battles :D and leave us cockneys out of it :lol: Cheers Mike
  10. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    IMHO the most disappointing player on the field was Rooney. Cheers Mike
  11. M

    World Cup Internet Streaming

    Thanks Dave that's great. Colin, what Dave is talking about is premiership games which sky usually nick :wink: Now I'm going to watch England win, I hope [-o< Cheers Mike
  12. M

    World Cup Internet Streaming

    Colin somehow I knew you would be the one with the answer. :wink: Just found the Argentina Nigeria game (what a beautiful header from the edge of the box). Thanks mate your help is very much appreciated. Cheers Mike
  13. M

    World Cup Internet Streaming

    As I have to be in and out of the house for the next week at least, my plans to watch all the matches on TV has gone out the window. So is there anyway I can watch the matches over the internet for free? TIA Cheers Mike
  14. M

    Free Samples of 3M safety specs

    Cheers Bob :D Mike
  15. M

    The World Cup - Indifferenteers thread

    Your right John if it sounds that bad on tv, can you imagine being next to one of the plonkers in the crowd. :twisted: Cheers Mike
  16. M

    Bandsaw Advice Needed

    Many thanks for taking the time to reply guys, that's a few idea's to be going on with. :wink: Cheers Mike
  17. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    WOT? You mean you come to our abode, eat us out of house and home, disappear with my mrs for 30 seconds at a time, come back and nick the dogs dinner, disappear with the dog for another 20 seconds, who I might add came back all BOSS EYED with a smile on it's face, and worst of all you nick my...
  18. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    What team has my man Studders got in the Sweepstakes (or is he even in it), because I want half :wink: :wink: Cheers Mike
  19. M

    Bandsaw Advice Needed

    Come on guys someone must have a link for a decent resaw/veneering type fence :wink: Cheers Mike
  20. M

    "Axminster, Tranquility Base Here, The Eagle Has Landed

    First off when it's set up I will need to cut some spaulted beach venners for a big inlay :lol: Cheers Mike