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  1. M

    Tenon Jigs

    Hi Jon, Can you send me a few photos (email below). By the way who is the manufacturer? Cheers Mike
  2. M

    Startrite 352 update: re-furb and first cuts!

    Very well done John, it looks like you have worked wonders. =D> =D> I would certainly give myself a well deserved pat on the back if I was you. :D Cheers Mike
  3. M

    The World Cup - Indifferenteers thread

    Touche Mr S, simply brilliant response. :lol: I chocked on half the popcorn and spat the rest out, much to the delight of my two dogs who jumped all over it :lol: Mass bath for the catholic faith, brilliant Cheers Mike
  4. M

    Small box - where next?

    I can't wait until I get Steve Maskery bandsaw DVD's and give bandsaw dovetails a go. David Charlesworth wrote an article about his bandsaw in Popular Woodworking, and he claims that they cut dovetails perfectly square every time. ... _Band_Saw/ Thankyou...
  5. M

    The World Cup - Indifferenteers thread

    Mr S I feel it is my duty to call you a down right fibber. I have been reliable informed that you love footie, well the after match mass bath anyway :wink: Cheers Mike
  6. M

    Elektra Beckum Spindle Moulder TF100M

    Nice to see you back Jason, smart new website. Cheers Mike
  7. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    What a shock the Swiss beating Spain :shock: It just go to show you with a disciplined team who go 1 up and then knuckle down and defend, you can win anything. Boy do I love the under dogs :lol: =D> Cheers Mike
  8. M

    Sedgwick PT Planer/Thicknesser&Multico M MorticeInstruct

    Have you got the model numbers? Cheers Mike
  9. M

    Steam Bending Maple

    If you cut it fairly thin you can steam most woods, and the cost is minimal. All you need is a wallpaper stripper (you can pick one up for a couple of quid from a boot sale), a length of drain pipe with two caps and a couple of saw horses. Finally make a former of the shape/s you need. For...
  10. M

    World Cup Internet Streaming

    Thanks Ian I will check it out. Cheers Mike
  11. M

    Giant Swing

    I have always meant to build one of Norms He did do another version without the Canopy Mind you Eddie's is more suited to our small British gardens. Not quite what your after, but my mind seems to wander a lot these days :D Cheers Mike
  12. M

    Are Metabo tools ok?

    George, I did not mean to imply that you, or we were arguing, it's just that there is so much of it due to misunderstandings (hence the reason some members have left) that you cannot be to careful. awkwood wrote; I don't think George meant anyone in particular mate. It's just a...
  13. M

    Are Metabo tools ok?

    Come on guys lets nip this in the bud. The he said, she said, they said always seem to turn into an argument. So would we agree that Metabo do good machines and power tools, and that we all neglected to say how good or bad they cut a straight line etc. In the end as long as the OP is happy...
  14. M

    The Twilight Zone

    I think that he is talking about the jfcundercover (Any Chance) thread Noel. Cheers Mike
  15. M

    Are Metabo tools ok?

    This is what I was talking about :roll: Oh well :lol: Cheers Mike
  16. M

    Are Metabo tools ok?

    We are, he is talking about his Metabo router now. Cheers Mike
  17. M

    I stink of Southern Yellow Pine

    There is hell of a lot worse smells :lol: Do as Rob suggests and have a nice hot bath and a tot or two of single malt. Cheers Mike
  18. M

    World Cup Internet Streaming

    I remember a case a few years ago where the bloke could prove that he could not receive any BBC programing and the court still fined him for not having a tv licence, you just cannot win :twisted: Thanks Colin. Cheers Mike
  19. M

    Dewalt Radial Arm Saw - Help Please

    Your welcome mate. Cheers Mike
  20. M

    World Cup Internet Streaming

    You ain't one of those bleeding detector van men are you :wink: Only joking mate. When I looking for somewhere to watch the games away from home, and before I placed the post I did come across an article which said the same as you. You would think that just for once the goverment would give us...