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  1. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    News Headlines at 6pm from Sky News England 3 v 1 Slovenia, USA 1 v 0 Algeria :lol: I can dream can't I :lol: COME ON ENGLAND Defoe and Rooney up front it's about time. Cheers Mike
  2. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    Who mentioned you Pete, I certainly never even though of you, let alone mention you? I am just fed up of jonzjob and barkwindjammer (especially barkwindjammer) double posting on here and the other football thread about the bleeding OXO Laughing Stock joke (within 5 posts on page 9 this has been...
  3. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    What a sad way to go out, on goal difference, especially after playing a half decent game. :cry: Cheers Mike
  4. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    I see that these members who hate either football, England or both cannot keep away from the topic :lol: Cheers Mike
  5. M

    Scheppach TS2000 Side Extension Table.

    Sorry mate but I only have the rear extension left. Cheers Mike
  6. M

    Planer Thicknesser

    This is not a bad buy ... rc=froogle A bit more then you originally expected to pay but IMHO with the cast iron fence and three knife cutter block (instead of the normal ally and 2 knife in this price range) you have a nice machine. If room is at a...
  7. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    You would have thought so wouldn't you, but as you say I think that money has ruined the game. Yes I saw the North Korean guys. :lol: One of them said that in his mind he could still play, but his body was telling him a different story. In their days it was prue guts and determination that...
  8. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    I agree with most of what you say, but IMHO any player who does not give his all for his country has no place in the national team. Cheers Mike
  9. M

    World Cup - Fans and fanatics thread.

    Going against all common sense and the lackluster crap they have played so far, I really do hope that we can turn things around, and even if they do not win the cup England make us proud. Unlikely?, maybe, but I have just watched the 1966 final again, and I remember the pride we felt by England...
  10. M

    Scheppach TS2000 Side Extension Table.

    Yes, I will have to look up in the loft, but I beleive I still have both the rear and side (this one folds down) extentions for the 2000. I'm at my sisters until tommrow, but I will look when I get home. Cheers Mike
  11. M

    Schwarz/Nicholson/Byron Workbench Build

    Wow Colin that is some meaty, well made, and if it is going to turn out like the one in your Avatar, handsome bench. I am quite confident when I say that it looks like it will out last your woodworking life. I look forward to the end result. Cheers Mike
  12. M

    The World Cup - Indifferenteers thread

    Agree 100%. It's a pity you cannot do Capello impressions, because we could sneak you out there to pick the team :lol: Cheers Mike
  13. M

    Planer Thicknesser

    Your welcome Chems. You even make a mean cardboard box to send your commissions off to the client. :D ... 42408.html As I have always had a p/t or planer and thicknesser I have never tried squaring a piece of timber just using a thicknesser, but when you...
  14. M

    For Sale: Preston Spokeshave Old - SOLD

    Yes I do Jim, it makes me think of all the hands that have been using it over the decades. Cheers Mike
  15. M

    For Sale: Preston Spokeshave Old - SOLD

    Hi Jim, I have exactly the same one, again with the original iron, and can confirm that it is lovely to use. Cheers Mike
  16. M

    The World Cup - Indifferenteers thread

    Mark I know you support Man U but Rooney is a tosser for saying that :twisted: How the hell does he expect the fans to feel when England cannot even beat the US let alone Algeria. Now what did I say the other day, The Press Build These Players Up, pin the hopes of England on his shoulders and...
  17. M

    Planer Thicknesser

    Sorry but surely you also need a planer or a p/t if you are to have any hope of squaring up your timber. Or am I missing something? ashway wrote; Thx for heads up ,i have a trend extractor but 10/10 for the plug lol If you are (because I don't think Trend sell chip extractors) then you are...
  18. M

    Carvewright system for sale

    Maybe I am just easy to please, but I love it :lol: Cheers Mike
  19. M

    Startrite 352 update: re-furb and first cuts!

    Hi John, a little over a week, but frustratingly I have not even put it together yet :cry: I am waiting for a mobile base that has been very kindly offered to me, and as there is only my wife and myself going to be here for a number of weeks to come we need to keep it as light as possible to get...
  20. M

    Startrite 352 update: re-furb and first cuts!

    Olly the instruction manual for my new bandsaw tells you how to change the speed from 850m//min to 430m/min (3300SFPM 1600SFPM), but it does not give any details of what each speed is for. Would you recormend that I keep it on the high speed? ...