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  1. M

    Votes needed pretty please

    545 =D> Cheers Mike
  2. M

    The Philippines disaster

    =D> Cheers Mike
  3. M

    Votes needed pretty please

    494 Cheers Mike
  4. M

    Votes needed pretty please

    438 Cheers Mike
  5. M

    This Car Rocks

    Great piece of work means one happy little girl. Mistake, the radiator grill. Cheers Mike
  6. M

    Votes needed pretty please

    329 Cheers Mike
  7. M

    Votes needed pretty please

    301 come on lads and lasses we need to be well into the 1000 by December. Cheers Mike
  8. M

    Wisconsin skydiver crash

    :lol: :lol: I felt the same when I did my first static line jump for charity with the Red Devils, in fact the girl behind me who was jumping next said she had never seen such a terrified look on anyone's face :shock: Cheers Mike
  9. M

    Table saw fence length

    My saw which has a full length fence came with a shorter one which as Steve says is attached when you are ripping. Every saw I have owned has come with this second fence, which I always thought was normal. Cheers Mike
  10. M

    Wisconsin skydiver crash

    You don't know what your missing John there is no bigger thrill in the world then free falling, the rush is absolutely amazing. Cheers Mike
  11. M

    Votes needed pretty please

    267 good luck Cheers Mike
  12. M

    Votes needed pretty please

    247 Cheers Mike
  13. M

    Newbie from Liverpool saying hi

    Welcome aboard Paul. Cheers Mike
  14. M

    Table saw question?

    There is no need. As Marcros says just ignore the top of the T it will not effect the sliding action. On the other hand Graham has hit the nail on the head when he states that the T shape has an advantage because it stops a mitre gauge or in your case sled from lifting up as you slide it along...
  15. M

    Mitre Gauge Review & Advice Sought - Post 'Head to Head'

    RWoody most of the members that post in the metalwork section also post in the other forums so asking them for a second opinion as you call it will be no problem at all and certainly will not put anyone nose out of joint. The whole reason behind these boards are to help each other so no one is...
  16. M

    Back gone half way through a job!

    I hope your back on your feet as soon as possible, and well done MMUK for the offer. Cheers Mike
  17. M

    WTB New Mitre Saw - KapexKS120 or Dewalt dws708

    I'm with Mailee the Dewalt 718 is an excellent saw. Cheers Mike
  18. M

    Stoptober, anyone got a result?!

    Now now Richard you know what I mean :lol: Cheers Mike
  19. M

    Stoptober, anyone got a result?!

    Well done Dean keep up the good work, it will be 4 years ago tomorrow since I gave up. I would not say that it was easy and there are days that I still feel like a puff but these are getting few and far between now. Cheers Mike
  20. M

    Web site update at last

    Mark all I can say is excellent =D> Cheers Mike