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    Free Quality PDF Plans

    Thanks Byron, it's always difficult finding decent free plans so this is much appreciated. I'm downloading at the staggeringly impressive 8kbs :roll: (wonderful French dial-up) wonder if i'll get the whole thing before the connection drops? Nah, no chance. ------------- Simon
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    One for All wireless extender (for phone line)

    No problem Roger, glad to be of help. ------------------ Simon
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    One for All wireless extender (for phone line)

    Is this the One for All SV1500 Roger? If so then you can get the manual in PDF format from here: Cheers, --------------- Simon
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    When You Write Your Christmas List...

    Ah yes, the Tucker hot-line. Certainly a novel approach to prison reform. Still, when you have to secretly bury 200 of the inmates in unmarked graves behind the building because you "reformed" them to death, I suppose a few scorched testicles are the least of your worries. :shock...
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    Now that's what I call a table saw!

    It's probably a good job that I'm in another country or I would be tempted, I have the space for it and 3 phase. There's still 2 days left though so I imagine the bids will go a good deal higher than the £410 it's at now. No photos or feedback though and no paypal or credit card payments. I'd...
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    NEW Perform Table Saw

    Thanks for posting those Dave. I will be in the market for a new TS soon but I think I'll hold off now and wait to see how well this one is received. If it gets as much acclaim as the other Perform badged products it will be a definite contender, at that price it's even worth getting one shipped...
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    My wife...

    :lol: LMAO Thanks for brightening up my day. -------------- Simon
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    Perform ccj planer

    I wouldn't do that yet Tim, those machines seem to be quite well thought of. Try giving Axminster a call, the phone is a lot more difficult to ignore :wink: I would imagine they've been putting you off because they're all busy with the big tool show they're having at the moment. Naughty but...
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    Copy Lathe

    Not sure if this counts as cheap Jason. Delta make an attachment (model 46-945) for copying spindles. I've only ever seen it attached to Delta lathes but the Delta-France catalogue blurb states that it can also be adapted for other lathes with "the help of modification to the supports". The...
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    Popular Woodworking

    Nailer, did you get your sub direct from the publisher of through a clearing house like if the latter it's quite normal to have to wait anything up to 3 months for them to start arriving. It's a bit of a pain but they do seem to arrive reqularly once they start and it's...
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    Shellac on a fridge!

    Thanks Chris and Ken, I'm exceedingly pleased to hear that I won't need to invest in polishing mops. I saw this being done once by a French polisher and it really is an art in itself, the amount of tension he managed to get into the cloth was quite amazing. Originally I was just going to give...
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    One Small Step for....

    Sorry Chas but could you please stop posting pictures of your work. A couple of weeks ago I started looking at this forum hoping to get some tips on a planer/thicknesser, which I really need. Now, having seen this thread I really want to get a lathe. Unfortunately I can't afford both at the...
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    Shellac on a fridge!

    Thanks for the link to Castorama Andy, unfortunately the nearest branch to me is about a 5 hour round-trip and I don't have that sort of time to spare at the moment. Online ordering from them appears to be very nearly as expensive as getting it from APTC and I'd rather give my money to Axminster...
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    Shellac on a fridge!

    Thanks for the advice everyone, :D Verging on the obscene isn't it? I think I'll sacrifice the washroom though as there are two other sinks and I can use it to house the compressor and extraction. Hopefully I can reduce the noise levels. Thanks Chris, I'll see if I can get hold of some...
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    Shellac on a fridge!

    Hello everyone, having lurked for a couple of weeks I've finally decided to dip my toe in the water and appeal for a little advice. We bought a property in France some time back and one of the many items we inherited form the previous owner was an enormous Frigidaire refrigerator, which I...