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  1. U

    Any one know anything about insects

    The photos are a bit small to tell but isn't it wingless? As long as it's not a capricorn beetle or a termite then I wouldn't worry :lol: Simon
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    Which benchtop bandsaw

    Corset, I don’t have the Fox benchtop model but I have had its bigger brother (the F28-200) for a couple of years now. I bought the saw sight-unseen based on a dealers recommendation, I try not to do business with this guy anymore. I would have to guess that the machine which it was cloned from...
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    Workshop heating

    You could try my Blue Peter solution. I save up all of the old tubes from inside kitchen/toilet rolls, seal one end with masking tape fill with sawdust and then close the other end with tape. By the time winter comes round again i have a stack of home made logs in the barn. Simon
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    Bandsaw dust extraction - Advice please

    Congratulations on managing to get hold of one of the best freebies I've ever heard of, lucky sod. In his book "Woodshop Dust Control" Sandor Nagyszalanczy suggests that the best way to control dust from a bandsaw is to adopt both of the methods you have mentioned. A port as near to the throat...
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    doing a test

    Quick take it back, your "insert smiley" key is stuck :) What did you get and does it have everything that was on your wish list? cheers, Simon
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    It's a 145, basically the same as the 135 but I think it was made exclusively for the French market. I think that the only significant difference was that the more powerful version of the Perkins diesel engine was available earlier than in the 135. It has been quite difficult to find info on the...
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    Losos, The MF is a relatively small 45HP tractor (an orchard/vineyard model) we have a lot of trees on our land and i needed something that could cut the grass as close to the base of the trees as possible, so no cab unfortunately. Goes very well for a 1969 model and is a lot more reliable than...
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    Disc Drive Magnets

    They are very good for holding machine covers securely in place, particularly if you sew them into a hem. ------------ Simon
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    I always wished we had enough snow to justify the purchase of a snow plough, no such luck though :( I've had to make do with buying a Massey Ferguson to cut the grass :wink: The loader comes in handy as well though. Cheers, Simon
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    Hot Plates

    Another great way to use up off-cuts. Glad to hear that your son/daughter? is coming home safe and well, best wishes for the new year. ------------------ Simon
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    A galoot's Christmas

    Took me a while as well. Frowned until I got halfway through then realisation dawned. Dohh! Cheers, Simon
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    Christmas card for a computer

    I think it must have gone on a ski holiday with my bank's computer, which hasn't updated my account transactions since the 16th December. :evil: I'm willing to bet that the first thing it will do when it gets back is work out whether or not it can apply any charges to the account, then it...
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    Start of the new Project

    Very nice Tony, At least you can be 100% sure that the wood is dried and aclimatised to perfection now :) Cheers, Simon
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    New Years Resolutions

    I must not buy any more cheap tools, I must not buy any more cheap tools, I must not buy any more cheap tools, I must not buy any more cheap tools, I must not buy any more cheap tools. Bargains are OK but no more cheap :x tools. Seasons greetings, Simon
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    leaning tower of hard disks

    Just a thought about postage, it occurs that if posting the magnets alone, the machines at the sorting office might find the letter somewhat indigestible :lol: Merry xmas Simon
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    Turning Stone

    Tom, Thanks for that I didn't realise that PVA would grip well enough on stone, I had thought that it would require some form of construction adhesive. Go on then, I hope this story doesn't involve fingernails parting company with fingers. ----------- Simon
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    Turning Stone

    Very nice Tom. I love the contrasting materials. Please excuse a couple of newbie questions but how do you mount the stone? and how often do you find that you need to sharpen when turning soapstone? Simon.
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    Sorry to hear that Tombo. It must have been like unwrapping your toys as a kid only to find that Santa had forgotten to bring any batteries :( Better luck with the next one, hopefully Woodford will put a rush on and you'll get it for the weekend. Cheers, Simon
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    Which Japanese Tenon saw....

    Because You're worth it. Next time you worry that you may be spending too much on a tool just remember how much SWMBO spent on that last pair of shoes. Then remind yourself that you will use the tool as often as you can unlike the shoes which now live at the back of the wardrobe because people...
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    interesting video

    Sounds like the plot from an airport shop paperback. Actually there was a rather extensive investigation most of the hearings were held in public and if you have a wheelbarrow handy you can get yourself a copy of the rather weighty report. I'd rather they did well out of it than the Germans...