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  1. P


    I think the info in the following page has been covered already, but it might make for an interesting read nonetheless: I've been looking into this issue a lot recently as my house has developed a condensation, and subsequently mould...
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    Bandsaw Motors

    It's a bit pricey (and possibly too beefy too!), but I have read very good things about Laguna bandsaws and they sell a 4.5HP motor for $645: ... grade.aspx That page is short of details but there may be further info elsewhere on the site. I know that...
  3. P

    Effective drilling in masonry - new drill?

    Thanks a lot karl and Trumpet, that info is a great help. The Bosch looks looks like my best bet, and in particular the DFR model looks like the most versatile option. And that is a good price too - thanks Trumpet, I'm very grateful.
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    Effective drilling in masonry - new drill?

    I should say here that my reason for opting for a corded drill is mainly cost. I imagine that a decent cordless hammer drill will cost a lot more than a comparable corded version. The convenience of a cordless would be great though so if anyone can suggest a good cordless option I'd be...
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    Effective drilling in masonry - new drill?

    Thanks to everyone who replied. I appreciate all of the advice and suggestions, some of which confirmed my suspicions about my current drill and many of which give me food for thought. I tried out my drill again today specifically to test the hammer action, and although I can't actually recall...
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    Effective drilling in masonry - new drill?

    Firstly, hopefully this is a relevant topic for this forum. While attaching wooden shelves to a block-built internal wall recently I remembered my dread of trying to drill accurate holes in masonry. The drill bit often wanders off my mark - sometimes this is not a big problem but these shelves...
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    Workshop Satisfaction

    ...on the downside, I can no longer look at any area of free wall elsewhere in the house without thinking of how it can be used for storage of some kind or other :?
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    Workshop Satisfaction

    That looks great ByronBlack. I've struggled for some time with my space (a little less than 3m x 3m). If I were to select the single most effective goal that I have pursued over the years it has been to free up floor space. The room is now crammed with about the same amount of stuff as a few...
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    Cordless Drill Recommendations

    I can second this recommendation of the Panasonic. However, I have had a better experience with the batteries - mine hold their charge for weeks at a time. This may be due to my use of the drill (I don't use it every day) or simply good luck on my part (or bad luck on the part of...
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    Shopping on American websites

    I have bought from several US websites in the past, and still do occasionally. As already mentioned, you have to factor in the additional cost of VAT and import duty on the entire order (including the delivery charge) - you might get lucky and not be charged this but you do have to budget for it...
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    Irwin quick-grip XP clamps?

    I've been using the non-XP ones for a few years now. They are very good for "quick" tasks like holding something in place while you work on it, and for certain types of glue-ups (they are good for gluing edging onto ply for example - I basically clamp the ply and butt the clamp bar against the...
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    Dust extraction/ vacuum - what to choose!

    I haven't actually checked the price of the bags anywhere else other than D&M Tools - they sell 5 bags for £12.95, so they certainly are not cheap as you say. I don't if any other company produces copies of them, but the concern that I'd have would be whether alternatives bags would be as...
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    Accurate Straight edge

    I have a 24"/600m steel straight edge from Woodcraft (, which is fairly generic really (I have seen similar ones available in a number of brands, including Veritas), and a 50" aluminium straight edge from Veritas. I use the Veritas one far more, partly because of its extra...
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    Dust extraction/ vacuum - what to choose!

    One thing about the Nilfisk Alto (and any vacuum/extractor in fact) and the filter cleaner is whether the cleaner system is suited to the use that a person may be putting the vacuum to. In order to handle dangerous dust such as MDF dust, I use my Nilfisk Alto vacuum with a filter bag, which...
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    Dust extraction/ vacuum - what to choose!

    On paper, at least, the specs of the Nilfisk Alto and the Festool are almost identical - the specs are available online or I briefly listed them on this comparison thread recently. So it is hard to imagine how the Festool could be any/significantly better (unless the exterior shape and size are...
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    Problem with axminster rubber tyred castors

    I have dug out the FWW article on castors (from March/April 2007) that I referred to above, and the following is their very brief summary of the various tyre materials: "Steel and plastic wheels are too hard. They tend to snag on the slightest obstruction, and they can scrape or dent even the...
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    Vacuums: Festool CT22, Nilfisk Alto Attix 360-21, Fein QA35E

    Having used the Nilfisk Alto a little recently (mostly for vacuuming the house, mind you!), I thought I'd give some brief feedback on it: The end of the hose fits my Festool tools perfectly. I have the TS55 saw and the OF1400 router and the fit is solid. I can only assume that the rotating...
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    Problem with axminster rubber tyred castors

    Fine Woodworking did an article some time back on various types of castor. As far as I can remember they commented that solid rubber tyres are prone to developing flat spots on relatively stationary machinery and that polyurethane is the best option. Certainly in my case I have been very happy...
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    What power screwdriver bits.

    I'm not sure if this would fit your needs, but Rutlands are selling what they describe as "3100 Spax 3 New Generation universal screws over fifteen sizes" here for £51 including a case.
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    What power screwdriver bits.

    Rutlands are selling SPAX screws at 15% off currently (here in their sale section). I did a quick check just now to see that they are still reduced but I didn't check whether they are Torx head or Posidrive. From that quick check, I think their prices on the Wiha Dura bits might be cheaper than...