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  1. +steve+

    First toy of the year....

    Lee, I'm sure it will be much appreciated and get plenty of use throughout it's life time. Well done for taking the time to do this =D>
  2. +steve+

    Michael Owen : Masterstroke!

    Never mind Michael Owen, the WOLVES are back where they belong!! Be afraid, be very afraid....... I'll get me coat :lol: :lol:
  3. +steve+

    Rutlands & Tilgear price difference

    Hi, have been looking for the last couple of months at the various Incra jointing systems and have a noticed there is a huge difference between these two companies. Was looking at Rutlands as they now have a 15% off offer on until mid July. Their LS 25" super system is up for £449.95 minus the...
  4. +steve+

    Watch face polish

    Hi, For some reason I keep thinking of "Brasso", i'm sure i've heard it used for something (apart from polishing brass before one of you smart a***s reply :lol: ) Anyway, remember to try it out on something less valuable before you try it on your best watch. Steve
  5. +steve+

    Axi ts-200 blade alignment

    Pete I sympathize with your frustration but think you are being a bit harsh when you say don't buy one. It is only classed as a cheap machine, although to me and most others who brought one it cost enough for me not to tell the other half :lol: . Due to this we have to put up with a few money...
  6. +steve+

    Forum users' Table saws

    Axminster TS-200 can't grumble for the money, just wished it had the standard size miter slots.
  7. +steve+

    Axi ts-200 blade alignment

    Paul, The top is secured by 4 bolts to the base unit as you said, but unfortunately the blade is mounted directly to the underside of the cast table top. I found that out last month when I had a replacement top sent to me from Axi. I thought changing it over was just a simple matter of undoing...
  8. +steve+

    Work shop footware.

    I'll also vouch for the "Dickies" shown on Ebay, although I got mine from Machine Mart.
  9. +steve+

    Axminster TS200 Table Saw - A cautionary tale

    New table arrived yesterday after a bit of a mix-up with the delivery address, as there was no one in the courier left it buy the garage even though Axi said they would not leave the parcel without a signature! All mitre slots ok \:D/ , biggest hastle was removing the old table then fitting the...
  10. +steve+

    Axminster TS200 Table Saw - A cautionary tale

    Quite right Fergus, Axi have been very helpful so far. Although if my new table arrives and is no better, the lot will be going back for a refund as I see no other way around the problem. I keep looking at the empty boxes thinking "There is now way i'm going to get it all back in there!" :-k
  11. +steve+

    Axminster TS200 Table Saw - A cautionary tale

    unfortunately the motor is bolted to the underside of the table which means everything has to come out. I was also a bit surprised at this. I assume, in this price bracket, the table top is the sturdiest part they could mount the motor to.
  12. +steve+

    Bandsaw Magic

    He doesn't fool me, surely he was cutting a block of cheese :lol: :lol:
  13. +steve+

    heavy-duty machine base from rutlands

    Bugger, that looks the same as I bought from Axi last week and paid £34.50 :(
  14. +steve+

    Axminster TS200 Table Saw - A cautionary tale

    I agree it's an option Mark, but just like you, i'd prefer to build a sled because I want one, not because I need to rectify the manufacturers mistake. Anyway, I spoke the the nice man at Axi again today and he said that a new table had just landed on his desk and he will post it out to me. He...
  15. +steve+

    TS-200 with a router table + incra

    Hi Neilster, Currently trying to iron out a few niggles with my TS200 from Axminster at the moment. ultimately, my goal is to have a similar set up to you. I assume that is the 25" Inca system you have there, do you think it takes up too much room as I can't decide which one to go for at the...
  16. +steve+

    Axminster TS200 Table Saw - A cautionary tale

    Slot in the cross slide is perfect, but for some reason the two main table slots are completely different. :-s
  17. +steve+


    Hi Kreggy, I have a similar role to you working with young adult with a range of disabilities and learning difficulties. We used to have a small woodworking shop that was used to produce small amounts of garden furniture including picnic tables, benches, planters and dog kennels to name a few...
  18. +steve+

    Axminster TS200 Table Saw - A cautionary tale

    Hi all, So, after much thought, and taking into account various reviews here (and my limited budget) I decided to buy the TS200 from Axminster. First I noticed that the corners on one of the entrances to the mitre slots had been knocked off on both sides, I figured that if this was the only...
  19. +steve+

    Forum users' Table saws

    Hi all! First post, so hopefully it will turn out ok [-o< After lurking around here for a few weeks reading about all your different experiences with a variety of saws, I decided to take the plunge and purchased the TS200 from Axminster along with the mobile base. Seemed like the right move...