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  1. K

    How come Norm gets away without using a riving knife

    I`m not really sure that i understand how kick-back can be achieved without a riving knife, surely kickback is caused by trying to bind the blade up against a solid body (such as a fence) ie by using a mitre gauge and a fence. I have fabricated a jig from one of the "custom woodworking books"...
  2. K

    SIP tools

    you do indeed need bearing guided cutter, trend sell them as do axminster (about 10 quid). I got my jig yesterday but the shop where i ordered it sent me the wrong bit (after telling them 3 times that i need a bearing guided one :twisted: ) Hopefully the bit that I ordered yesterday from...
  3. K

    delta 36525 or ferm FZT250N ???

    stevezm: slightly confussed by your post i looked at the delta, liked it, saw that it was well made (and at present within my price range) so I`m eventually goint to buy it. i.e. I`m choosing the delt over the ferm saw
  4. K

    delta 36525 or ferm FZT250N ???

    after seeing the delta at the international woodworking show (ali-pali) I`ve decided to purchase it (eventually) I think that i am slowly learning the lesson about "buy the best you can afford" :D
  5. K

    Starlite drill press

    chaps: after nearly buying myself a drill press, and mate stopped me saying that he had an old drill press at the back of his work shop collecting dust, and that if I picked it up, i was more than welcome to take it away. I went and had a look, its a "Starlite" drill press with no other...
  6. K

    SIP tools

    SIP should be able to supply you with the correct cutter, i ordered my jig from them (thru a supplier) and also ordered the cutter at the same time (8 pound plus vat) did you get the 3 different templates with your dovetail jg?
  7. K

    SIP tools

    you can use your 1/4 '' router, the only special requirment is a dovetail cutter which is bearing guided or a guide collar to fit on the underneath of you router depending on the type of jig you go for. the SIP jig requires a bearing guided dovetail cutter
  8. K

    Which Router Table ?

    sawblade: many. many thanxs for the plans you sent me, I have researched my library of material and found some plans for an oak bed, its not 4 poster (like you want) but is mighty nice. I`ll stuff it in the post to you asap, next month (I think ) is the "bedroom furniture" addition of the...
  9. K

    SIP tools

    dave> I ordered the same jig yesterday, the cutter for the jig is 8pounds from sip. I did`nt order direct, but i could give you the contact details of the shop where i made the order if you have problems sourcing a bit. let me know when you`ve used the jig, I`m really interested to here what...
  10. K

    Perform Dovetail Jig...

    good review BUT could you show a few pictures of the joints that it produces. I`m eagerly awaiting my version of the jig to arrive (exactly the same, but from SIP tools). By the way, SIP sell 3 extra template for thier jig (I`m sure they`ll fit the axminster one) cheers steve
  11. K

    DeWalt 650 Belt Sander

    looks a lovely bit of kit, could i ask how much the whole "caboodle" cost???
  12. K

    SIP tools

    gr8 somebody else who wants one!!! i ordered mine today, it does`nt come with the cutter (an extra 8 quid : :( ) but it does come with 3 templates!!! keep me posted what you think when you get yours!
  13. K

    clamps or cramps

    u must be a mind reader, the dovetail jig that I`m buying is being delivered to my work address!!!!! "no dear, I`ve had that for ages...... you never take an interest in what i`m doing " :lol:
  14. K

    clamps or cramps

    all too often!! sad is`nt it, I always say to myself " now this time I`ll get it what ever she says......." but it never seems to work out that way :D
  15. K

    clamps or cramps

    I just wondered if i was missing out on another toy (godam it! I`ll have to think of something else to....... "yes dear...... I reallly need it to complete [X]" replace [X] with any project that `er in doors wants made) :lol:
  16. K

    SIP tools

    guest???? i think not, twas me!
  17. K

    SIP tools

    has anyone had any experience of "SIP" tools @ ? they had a chop saw for 50 pounds and a dovetail jig (the say as the yellow axminster one) with 3 templates for 35 pounds *grinz* the stuff they sell looks good enough quality, just wondered if anyone has bourght stuff from...
  18. K

    clamps or cramps

    cheers for that, at least i know that I`m not missing out on some new toys!
  19. K

    clamps or cramps

    could somebody please explain to me the difference between a cLamp and a cRamp ????
  20. K

    Buying Wood

    jester > does such a timber company mail order small quantites of native hardwoods e.g. enough for a small project such as a tv cabinet or table?