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  1. K

    Big box joints

    by hand.... thats right, just what I was thinking :oops: Steve
  2. K

    Big box joints

    quite possibly, the beech block has been used and needs a little planing so it won't be TOO thick, I`m probably rip it, thickness and re-glue. any ideas about some nice beefy finger joint cutting? Steve
  3. K

    Big box joints

    I`ve been tasked with making Mrs KU a large linen box for xmas, question is how to cut the box joints for the sides....... We are talking large scale here using possibly some donated beech block work-top..... any ideas welcome, I`m not sure my router-finger-joint jig is up to the job on this...
  4. K

    Our Photography

    Mr Fosters. Shot with, um who cares........... he wants to play, he ALWAYS wants to play..... um I mean it took me AGES hiding in the bushes to get this shot............ :roll: Steve
  5. K

    XBOX 360 (Ring of Death)

    Used to be a keen gamer in the SNES/Mega-drive days :shock: never really got into the whole playstation thing (i.e. games for adults) having said that I quite enjoy playing mates systems and we do infact now have a wii after upgrading from an old gamecube. I`ve heard numerous horror stories...
  6. K

    Ebay T-ats !!!!!!

    you can basically sum all of this up with the fact that ebay is based on trust, it may pretend to offer some protection in the form of paypal or whatever, but basically its trust. A little while ago there was a scam where the buyer would post back a blank envelope, get a receipt and claim his...
  7. K

    Rough Justice

    very brave of him to go nicking some poor sods bike when he thought no one was looking (if that is the case) it's not like it was a bike-jacking. Steve
  8. K

    Rough Justice

    I would have expected a bit more of a fuss if he were innocent as claimed , body language seems to suggest guilt to me , not being there though hard to judge. If he was guilty , then it's deserved Steve
  9. K

    Rough Justice

    he got off very lightly. if more of this happened our society wouldn't be so messed up. scum, and he deserved more of a beating Steve
  10. K

    Calling Mike-W - ubuntu update - how about MTUs? ##EUREKA###

    MTU, well bugger me if I wasn't going to suggest that. wrong value causes encrypted packets to be "broken up" and thus corrupted, or at least perceived that way. as stated, VERY common on VPN problems blow blow blow, should have suggested it, still sorted now 8) this is why I like playing...
  11. K

    Calling Mike-W - ubuntu update - how about MTUs? ##EUREKA###

    do you know what the router model number is, take a squizz underneath, a UK manual would be a start, then you can convert to the french screens or try to switch the language to english. First off would be to disable any firewalls................... prime suspect get it to pass all TCP and UDP...
  12. K

    Calling Mike-W - ubuntu update - how about MTUs? ##EUREKA###

    oh *grinz* not completely back to the drawing board but makes the problem a bit more "open loop" i.e. you may never get it to work with this router.... I'd go for disabling all of the router features, I'd try to get the ISP involved because as far as I'm concerned this falls into the category...
  13. K

    Calling Mike-W - ubuntu update - how about MTUs? ##EUREKA###

    I found exactly the same... :? Steve
  14. K

    Calling Mike-W - ubuntu update - how about MTUs? ##EUREKA###

    make sure ALL mention of Upnp is disabled.... Steve
  15. K

    Calling Mike-W - ubuntu update - how about MTUs? ##EUREKA###

    pick your poison ??? :lol: either would prove the same thing i suspect graphically in 10.5 would be easiest, but then again I don't shy away from the terminal :wink: Andy, I`d go for it in osx steve
  16. K

    Calling Mike-W - ubuntu update - how about MTUs? ##EUREKA###

    :? doesn't the windows machine prove this? I don;t mind helping with screen shots once at home, it looks boggling but its honestly not that bad, most of the leg work has been done now....... Steve
  17. K

    Calling Mike-W - ubuntu update - how about MTUs? ##EUREKA###

    andy, go into the router pages, disable the DHCP for now. manually assign an IP on the mac, subnet, DNS (open for example) , no proxies, no IPV6, gateway set to the router IP (then maybe something else, say the ISP DNS server, or a gateway address given by them). give it a try. turn off all...
  18. K

    Calling Mike-W - ubuntu update - how about MTUs? ##EUREKA###

    cut out ALL of the auto-config BS for DHCP, DNS, gateway handshaking et al and Andy can play to his hearts content!!!!! by configuring manually. Certainly in ubuntu the options/parameter are almost endless.... Steve
  19. K

    Calling Mike-W - ubuntu update - how about MTUs? ##EUREKA###

    What you`ve written is fine for the IP address and associated parameters. However automatic-config handshaking with the router constitutes more than just getting an IP on the router network. inside the router is all sorts of hoopy software running to service things like NAT, port fowarding...
  20. K

    Calling Mike-W - ubuntu update - how about MTUs? ##EUREKA###

    if it were me, I`d start to "go back to basics", manually assign an IP, configure the DNS by hand.... etc etc etc, start small and build up. it would seem all this nice auto-config from a router is all well-and-good when it all works :? its worth pointing out that auto config for a mac or...