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  1. K

    Bench mounted router table ventilation

    thanks for the advice :wink: mods> could I request a moveature please? Bungle
  2. K

    Bench mounted router table ventilation

    REALLY REALLY don't want to be pedantic but its actually the section including projects and past mistakes. The router table was itself a past project, and the lack of ventilation would seem (on my part) to be a past mistake. however the lack of replies would suggest you are right :roll: Audrey
  3. K

    For sale or not for sale ? Poll

    as with all for sale threads: If I want what you are offering, I`ll speak up If I don't then I won't If I think I can get it cheaper else where, I`ll keep myself to myself I`ve no problem with you posting for sale items even IF you were a dealer, assuming you were cheaper than else...
  4. K

    Lyndhurst Woodworking

    sense the sarcasm Mary
  5. K

    Bench mounted router table ventilation

    anyone? *tumble weed* Steve
  6. K

    Lyndhurst Woodworking

    MMMMIIIIIIKKKKKKEEEEEE??????? :roll: ************* ** STEVE ** *************
  7. K

    Will someone please shoot me?

    Agreed, forget smart status, I could show you discs that report back a lovely smart status but that are **cked...... This might all sound a bit "mountain and mole hill", but I speak from experience, I`ve lost data before (long ago), not nice.... I value my time, and thus I backup everything I...
  8. K

    Will someone please shoot me?

    A perfect example of how everybody should backup. As has been stated before data isn't "really" saved unless its on several media preferably on several sites. fact, harddisks fail, randomly, at any time. Automatic backup systems are VERY easy to setup these days, ranging from OSX timemachine...
  9. K

    DIY Speakers\Ipod Dock + Tuner ?

    mp3s are lossy even at the highest bit rates, i.e. you don't get out what you put in, or certainly you can't get back what you put in. Apple loss-less (ALE or m4a if you like) is the format to go for being a lossless format, however I suspect you wouldn't tell the difference on the setup you...
  10. K

    House Extension - NEW PICTURES!!!

    interesting that you haven't been made to stay 2meters back from the boundary, is this because your neighbour isn't right up to the boundary as well? i.e. planning attempt at stopping a row of semi from turning into terraced housing. interested party...... Steve
  11. K

    Lyndhurst Woodworking

    Rob????? :? Steve
  12. K

    Tools of the Decade

    another vote from me for cyclone tech. both HPLV and HVLP cyclones have saved me cleaning time just down to the reduction in loss-of-suction of my shop vac and extractor system. I`d also second google sketchup, I`m still a beginner but its a really cool bit of software. Steve
  13. K

    Is it just me? (IT problem)

    note to self, must read posts.... well if it were ADSL I'd suggest not powercycling it :wink: freeDNS is really quite good....... Steve
  14. K

    Bench mounted router table ventilation

    Chaps, I'm working on my beech worktop-based otterman for Mrs KU. I've made a box joint jig for my new bench top router table *fanfare* mounted in the table is a freud 3HP FT2000, in my infinite wisdom I decided to completely box the router in (mainly for noise dampening) and the plan was to...
  15. K

    Is it just me? (IT problem)

    I never ever power cycle my router as it builds a line profile over several days which is lost when you power cycle the unit. Street lights switching on can be a real killer for ADSL2 bandwidth Bob, google freeDNS I'd suggest that power cycling your router every night will cause you to loose...
  16. K

    Lyndhurst Woodworking

    discussions are going on with PP, the CC company and the police, its a multi million pound fraud so I think there is a lot of hand washing going on.... the moral being, check your rights before a buy... Steve
  17. K

    Lyndhurst Woodworking

    we all need to be a bit careful about what we state as "fact" about credit card cover when using paypal on ebay. I`d suggest people check with their credit card companies about the level of cover they offer when transactions are via a 3rd party financial institution i.e. paypal. I know of 3...
  18. K

    Another Tiny Trim

    no need to mention it, they can SMELL it, I`m sure :roll: Steve
  19. K

    Another Tiny Trim

    sadly being one of the first couples of our "crowd" to have nippers I now get all the agro when Mrs KU has kuddles with our friend's babies. Broody doesn't even come close! we won't be having more, I`ll not walk that tortuous road EVER again, 2 emergency sections are MORE than enough for me...
  20. K

    Toasty workshop

    bloody hell :shock: not in my house, utter crap daytime tv, utter crap Steve