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  1. E

    Spehar toolworks, Adria, et al

    Thanks for the kind words, everyone. Telling you all the difference, in my mind, was the only right thing to do. Bugbear, I stand corrected. Waterhead37, you're probably right there, but Rob tried my saws as well and stoned one side of the dovetail saw to try to straighten the
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    A day with Rob Cosman

    Yesterday, I spent the day in the workshop of Rob Cosman. We started at 8:00 AM and finished about 9:00 PM, stopping for lunch and dinner. I found Rob to be a great teacher; I didn't expect there to be a white-board and marker in the shop, but it was there for Rob to draw diagrams and offer...
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    Spehar toolworks, Adria, et al

    Hi everyone, I liked the look of my Spehar saws, until I compared them with LN saws. After spending a day with Rob Cosman, I had the opportunity to compare LN saws to my equivalent Spehar offerings. Mine are massive compared to LN's copies of Disstons. I don't mind that, but in my rip...
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    Today, I paid $1.399 per litre for regular gas. That would be approximately $5.40 per US gallon or $6.30 per Imperial gallon. These are Canadian prices. In USD this would be $4.63 and $5.40 per gallon, respectively. Ed #-o :(
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    Scraping Planes

    Ok, here's where I show my ignorance: does the thicker blade give a thinner shaving or better surface or???? I'll freely admit I know nothing about scraping planes. I like a medium-thickness card scraper, but I have a feeling these don't exactly compare. Thanks in advance. Ed :)
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    Minwax wipe-on Poly

    Andrew, I'm a subscriber to FWW but I gotta tell ya, that article is PURE CRAP! I've tried a couple of cans of Minwax Wipe-on, and also made my own using equal parts boiled linseed oil, regular oil-based poly and turpentine. I much prefer my own concoction: it goes on equally well and...
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    Does anybody over there WEAR these

    I expect the "modesty strap" is to keep the kilt together at the bottom. I've never worn a utilikilt, but a light-weight tartan kilt and a moderate breeze can advertize all your private wares (don't ask me how I know, but this usually happens when your hands are busy playing the pipes). :oops...
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    Why Don't you post

    If one does not post, how does one answer? Ed :twisted:
  9. E

    can I collapse now..??????

    Trev said: I'm a policeman. I'd have known what to do with him. Ed :lol:
  10. E

    bed size

    So you're suggesting, then, that I wait for delivery of my bed, measure it and make the frame at that time? OOOO I don't know if the missus is going to go for that. I wouldn't be too bad if the company gives me a frame to use in the interim. Ed :)
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    bed size

    Thanks, everyone, for all the replies. I checked with the furniture company and they state their king size bed is 80" long and 78" wide. I'll make the frame to fit those dimensions, plus an inch or so for extra clearance. Now comes the fun part: choosing a design. Ed :)
  12. E

    help needed with windows xp

    In XP, you can do a system restore to the last time the computer worked without having to use safe mode. Then you can try, one at a time, re-installing the software or components that gave you the problem. I just went through this after installing new virus software. Hope this helps. Ed
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    bed size

    That's a great reference. Thanks, Mike. Ed :)
  14. E

    bed size

    Does anyone know the proper interior dimensions for the frame of King and Queen size beds? I've searched the archives on this forum but haven't found much. Alternatively, does anyone know how much space I should leave as clearance outside the dimensions of the box-spring? I suppose I could...
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    Plane lubricating

    I'm sure I read somewhere about putting a can/bottle of kerosene with a wick in it on you bench, and then simply running the plane over the wick from time to time to lubricate it. Those more experienced than I should be able to add something about this practice? Ed :?:
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    Spehar toolworks, Adria, et al

    Ok, I'll add some pics of the mortises and tenons I'm cutting as well, then. They ain't pretty, but you asked for it. Ed :)
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    Spehar toolworks, Adria, et al

    I'll take a few for you. I've only cut pine so far, which isn't really a good test of the saws since you could probably cut it with a dinner knife. :) Ed
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    Need a new Saw Blade

    I swear by Dimar. Ed
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    LV LA jointer

    I'd say Rob is just teasing us with inklings of upcoming items....AND HE'D BETER STOP, TOO!! Becasue this Lee Valley junkie's getting ANXIOUS! Ed :D
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    Scrollsaw Challenge

    OK OK, I give... I got a scroll saw for Christmas last year and I haven't known where to start, until now. I'll try some practice cuts first, then plague all of you with questions on how to proceed. :) Ed