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  1. P


    Hi Mike thank you. I have tried reporting a problem on Paypal but the tabs aren't showing what i'm supposed to be clicking on, it just keeps taking me back to the first page of the how to?? It wasn't a gift payment.
  2. P


    Ok thanks Technium I will try Paypal.
  3. P


    Thanks both. Technium did you try writing to the address provided above in the link. I ordered one of the Terry Scott DVDs he's in New Zealand so could contact him and see what he says? I paid using Paypal so is there any chance of me getting my money back? I have looked on my paypal payment and...
  4. P


    Anyone know if this company is still trading as I ordered a DVD on the 21st of July and haven't received it yet. I have since found out on another forum that the owner passed away a couple of years ago but my order was taken along with payment. I have sent three emails to the contact page on...
  5. P

    2017- more of the same I suspect

    No not yet Chas though I have sorted through them and cut up the smaller burrs into pen blank sizes. I'm hoping to get into the bigger burrs some time soon :)
  6. P

    2017- more of the same I suspect

    That's the beauty of Yew though Chas I think, you don't really need do nothing to it apart from turn it to a decent shape and finish and let the wood and what you've ended up with speak for itself :D I'll be picking up a load more Yew soon from my local tree surgeon who's prices have gone up...
  7. P

    2017- more of the same I suspect

    Very nice Chas =D>
  8. P

    2016- The Year to reduce the woodpile.

    Nice work as usual Chas A tree was cut down outside our house last year which i always thought was Hawthorne,but when i enquired about it the tree surgeon said it is Hawthorne but an ornamental Hawthorne as there was no thornes on it.?? I had all the trunk which had rot in the middle but what...
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    2016- The Year to reduce the woodpile.

    Yes i've had a few pieces of Yew recently that have come apart whilst turning but luckily with frequent checking of the pieces i was able to stop and no harm done i'm glad to say.
  10. P

    2016- The Year to reduce the woodpile.

    Lovely work Chas that Yew looks nice =D>
  11. P

    Bandsaw just stopped

    Hi Alex. Yes as Jim says check the NVR switch for sawdust i have had this a few times on mine but did have to replace the NVR earlier this year,but was lucky as i took the switch off my cream crackered extractor and the switch fitted the bandsaw.
  12. P

    Some of my 2015 Challenges and Churnings.

    Those look nice Chas ,less is more :D
  13. P

    sorby pro edge belt group buy

    Thanks for your reply Marcos. So would the three belts you suggest,the 60g-120g and 240g all be the ceramic belts supplied by this company? What are the prices for those three? At the moment i have a maroon belt which is very smooth,worn out :D so guessing 240.a red belt which again guessing...
  14. P

    sorby pro edge belt group buy

    How do these belts compare to the Sorby belts? I bought my PE second hand so don't know what grade belts i'm using,apart from one very smooth grit and one rougher grit?? Which are the better belts to use for turning tools??
  15. P

    Mac Timbers

    Thats great new John =D>
  16. P

    The fun (?) of trying to make 16 of something look the same!

    Great start they look good enough to me :D Will look forward to seeing the set complete :D
  17. P

    Some of my 2015 Challenges and Churnings.

    Very nice Chas :D I still haven't turned one of these :roll:
  18. P

    Open weekend

    You should have said Nick i'd have took some off your hands :D :D
  19. P

    Some of my 2015 Challenges and Churnings.

    Very nicely done Chas :D
  20. P

    Help/Advice needed please - Startrite Bandsaw value

    Have you tried looking on ebay or on line to find the same or similar model to get an idea of it's value. Failing that look at slightly newer models and see how much they are selling for and compare your models specs to those. Startrite usually bring good prices so do your homework :D Good luck.