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  1. S

    Phenolic Sheet

    It is possible that the material that you have mentioned is similar to Delrin, which is also known as Acetal. This is an engineering plastic that we use for some assemblies at work, and it is similar to Nylon in that it is quite rigid and has good sliding properties - we sometimes use it for...
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    Respiratory protection, what do you use?

    The problem I had is that I could not get the fabric seal down to my chin ! Let alone under it. Perhaps I have a long head (probably do). Colin S
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    How To Set Up Jointer Fence Square

    It's quite amazing just how many squares aren't, if you know what I mean ! It wasn't until I bought a 6" engineer's square that I realised why I couldn't get things setup right ! It sounds as if the fence on your jointer is better than on my Perform P/T, it is a real pain to set - and it tends...
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    Mitre Saw bought!!!! TS decision on hold ATM

    Gareth, I bought the saw from my nearest SIP dealer which was Millcot tools of Galleywood (nr Chelmsford). They offered a price which was as good as I could get anywhere at the time (£475 if I recall correctly). I picked it up in a trailer to save carriage - it was very heavy ! My choice was...
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    Mitre Saw bought!!!! TS decision on hold ATM

    As I have previously posted, I have had the SIP C.I. table saw for over a year, and am pretty pleased with it. I did have one issue almost immediately, the NVR switch packed up. I contacted the seller (a tool shop about 15 miles away) and told them what was wrong. They got a new switch sent to...
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    workshop build?

    Just a thought, but why do you need to put 18 mm ply under the shiplap ? A damp-proof membrane should be enough, surely - save you quite a bit of cash. Colin S
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    Scrit (as always) is quite correct. If you connect DC to a rotating induction AC motor it will stop, pretty damn quick. This is why I imagine that the current is only injected in pulses, else some damage might be done. The reason I know this is that many years ago I designed a rig for testing...
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    Respiratory protection, what do you use?

    Only just seen this thread, but for what its worth: I suffer from allergic rhinitis which gives me an appalling headache the next day if I get even a small amount of dust up my hooter. Therefore I have to use a mask for doing anything, even sweeping the floor (you may think that woodwork is not...
  9. S

    Lithium-ion Drill/Driver or Combi Hammer?

    I was merely pointing out that most regular users of cordless power tools don't find the limitations of NiMh or NiCd batteries too onerous. Obviously if the tool only has one battery, (as with very cheap ones) it is a PITA when you pick it up and find the battery dead. I own a digital camera...
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    Lithium-ion Drill/Driver or Combi Hammer?

    As regards battery choice, Li Ion batteries have 3 main advantages: no "memory" effect, where effective capacity is lost through repeated partial charging. density, they have higher capacity per weight/volume. lower self discharge, after 1 month there is still in excess of 90% charge. These...
  11. S

    Will biscuits do the job?

    I used to do biscuit slots with a router, but not often, 'cause it was a pain to get them lined up ! Then I bought the Ferm BJ, and it is sooo much easier. Now I know that various people will say that the Ferm is a piece of pooh etc etc, but it works well enough for what I do with it. Like...
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    SIP 10x6 planer/thicknesser

    I have the Perform version, and I would second the above remarks. I think the fence is pretty poor - after I take it off to use the thicknesser mode, I quite often find it isn't square when replaced :x Also the locking lever for the fence now doesn't :cry: - splines inside have rounded...
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    HELP!! - Table saw recommendation for new workshop

    I would not personally attempt to cut 8x4s straight on my saw, not that the saw would mind, but just manhandling the sheet safely would be really difficult. So like most people I cut the sheet on trestles with a small circular saw to slightly over-size and then use the TS for the final cuts. I...
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    Rip Fence Upgrade

    Ouch ! Sounds like the type of thing that happens to me :?
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    Rip Fence Upgrade

    Ah ! I see. What sort of "little accident" ? Or is too embarassing ...... :wink: Colin
  16. S

    HELP!! - Table saw recommendation for new workshop

    Mike, I have had the SIP machine for over a year, and I am very pleased with it for the money (it cost me £475, and I think it can be got for less now). It is solidly built, runs very quietly, and the fence locks rigidly in place. I got one of the first machines, so it didn't have the split...
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    Biscuit Hinges

    Very nice. I thought they seemed a bit pricey - by my reckoning about £8 a door ! I think I'll stick with a router & chisel. Colin
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    Biscuit Hinges

    Doh ! Fancy not looking at Axminster ! Somehow I didn't think of them for hardware ........ Thanks - anyone actually used them ? Colin
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    Biscuit Hinges

    A week or so back I happened to see on NYW what looked a very nifty bit of hardware. This was an oval lifting butt hinge, which fitted into the slot left by a biscuit jointer, His Normness (all hail) simply wedged the cabinet door in place, and then cut the slot midway between door and frame...
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    Rip Fence Upgrade

    Why are you so keen to change the fence ? I would have thought that the Xcalibur had a pretty good one ? Colin