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  1. O

    embroidery box with 13 drawers

    Hello, love the project so far, cant wait to see it finished! Im guessing the reason why the handles are flying off is beacuse they are dropping into the gap between the back fence and the blade, jamming up and the blade is throwing them out. Try making a false fence to cover the whole of the...
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    draw leaf table

    ive managed to get the main table top pretty straight so im happy with that. its the smaller leaves that keep moving now, i guess its because of the short length and being very wide. wil have another look tomorrow.
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    Veneered MDF - A/B side?

    you can normally tell by the width of each length of veneer. The face tends to have a lot wider strips of veneer
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    Beech Unit, and Walnut Unit.

    i love the beech unit. The frosted glass goes very well with the beech and the finish is superb, wish i could spray! Normally any beech/maple unit looks mass produced but that one looks like a proper piece of furniture. Walnut unit is great too, i like the chrome shelf rail. How did you find the...
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    Automatic blast gates

    hello, if by automatic blast gates you mean a manual gate that when you open it, switches the extractor on then axminster do them; ... -33207.htm
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    draw leaf table

    Hello everyone, I am currently building a draw leaf table, i started it about 6 months ago but i need it for christmas... not that you interested in that.. anyway i have the frame built, the tops and the internal workings goin ok, was a bit of a learning curve tho. The problem i have is stopping...
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    Padauk and massur birch coffee table

    thank you all very much, the paduak is slightly more dusty than most timbers, the fact that it is bright red makes it look like there is more around. It is a very fine timber so the dust tends to clump together and fill saw teeth making it hard to cut. A wore a mask all the time when i was...
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    Padauk and massur birch coffee table

    Thank you mat, i'm not discouraged at all, i welcome any opinions, its what makes me look at my next design and look at it from a broader prospective. I know that my worst down side is my ability to be creative and design something functional and original. Personally i like the contrast, i find...
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    Padauk and massur birch coffee table

    thank you everyone, yes Gill i cut them by hand, i used one of those tiny japanese saws, you can get such fine dovetails with it. Thank you tim, the cross stitching was an afterthought, i bookmatched the veneer and it just didnt seem to look right, was quite an effort to bring myself to plunge...
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    Padauk and massur birch coffee table

    Hello all, ive been reading the forum for a while now and enjoy looking at all your projects, so im going to post one of mine. It has solid padauk legs, rails, drawer front and top frame with a massur birch veneer top. The internal drawer frame is hand dovetailed and made from european oak. Ive...
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    Record planer thicknesser

    OK i bought it this morning, spent all day setting it up.... well cleaning out the workshop and moving benches etc took most of the day!!! I found it a bit fiddly to set up and get the tables true but when i did and switched it on all went very well. Im very pleased with it, you seem to get a...
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    Two Cherries chisels

    hi jez, i have a few of those chislels, (by the way the actual trading name of them is Kirschen). I find them very good, excellent quality steel wich holds an edge for ages. They are completely polished all round so they dont require any work before you use them. Actually one of the worst...
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    Record planer thicknesser

    Thanks for your help everyone, so it seems it is a good reliable machine that does what you want it to but the fence is pretty shocking? I saw one in our local dealer last week and noticed the aluminium extrusion fence and thought exacly what you have said. I am used to it tho as i have the...
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    Record planer thicknesser

    Hello all, does anyone own or have any comments on the Record PT260-X planer thicknesser? I have had a few record products over the years and all have been excellent but have heard some bad reviews lately? This one seems a very good price considering it has steel tables etc, any comments would...
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    UK maps

    google earth is free, you might have to search for the download for free button. You can pay but i dont know what extra service it gets you.
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    Blum Hinges

    ahh sorry, i thought it was for the base plates. The hinges are slightly more difficult. It all depends on how much you want the doors to overhang the carcase. I will try and scan a graph to show you what distance you need. Generally for blum hinges on a full overlay hinge i drill the hole so...
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    UK maps

    try going on google and searching 'google earth' and download it. basically its like multi map but it has the whole world on it. absolutely amazing programme, i guarentee you will spent hours on it. Just a tip, there is a box in the left hand corner called bbs layers, turn it on and you should...
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    Saw Guide

    Hmmm i think you probably are better off with a piece of batton. At least you can cut that to whatever lenght you need. Looks very pricey too. Although saying that i am very interested in the festool circ saw with guide rail. Its one of those things that you dont really need but its nice to have.
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    Blum Hinges

    as jason said, i just use a piece of mdf with a stop glued on one edge. Standard size is 37mm in from front edge and 32mm between centres. I have 2 holes drilled along the centre line so i can mark a centre line on the carcase and then line it up through the holes.
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    Well Spalted Beech

    £21 is very reasonable, i have just bought 5 cubic feet of spalted beech for £35+vat a cube. Top quality stuff, although still needed about 80% waste.