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  1. wobblycogs

    Christmas TV!

    Oh don't get me started on "educational" programs. I used to really look forward to the science pieces the Beeb would do but for the last decade or so it feels like they have just been making same show over and over again. It seems there's a few science topics that it's safe to make a program...
  2. wobblycogs

    Axminster price increases?

    My experience of Axi is that over the last few years prices have gone up a lot and quality has dropped a bit. Their own brand stuff was never the best money could buy bit it was serviceable, now it just feels like the same Chinese import stuff everyone else is selling just 10% more expensive...
  3. wobblycogs

    Axminster price increases?

    I bought a pillar drill from Axi just before christmas (an ED16B2 if any one is interested). I paid £223 for it and it's now listed at £291 a whopping £68 more or 30%. I'd forgotten about the new year price rises so I'm really glad I bought when I did as the new price would have put it out of...
  4. wobblycogs

    Christmas TV!

    We've not had a TV for, erm, longer than I can remember, about 14 years I think and it was honestly the best decision we ever made. We've taken to watching the odd thing on iPlayer and the other catch up services the last couple of years but because we have to choose what to watch we limit our...
  5. wobblycogs

    Solar Electricity generation

    This assumes you are lucky enough to have the space for a heat pump of course which most of us don't have. The difference between a holiday and solar panels is one is done for pleasure and the other as an investment. You'd be crazy not to calculate a break even point and return on an...
  6. wobblycogs

    Solar Electricity generation

    I've just done a quick calculation of payback for your system and I'm really surprised how cheap solar power has become. I'm going to ignore the FIT scheme as I wan't to see if solar electricity can compete with normal electricity on a level(ish) playing field. Lets say that a unit of...
  7. wobblycogs

    Solar Electricity generation

    As long as they point at the sun and have a clear view of the sky you can fit them anywhere. We're planning on putting them on a flat roof - once it's been built.
  8. wobblycogs

    Winter Project Ideas

    That's where I get a lot of my inspiration from. I also browse Make but I'm not so keen on their format.
  9. wobblycogs

    Winter Project Ideas

    Cheers Andy, I'm already on mycncuk with the same name as here if you happen to be over there. As we speak I'm reading a few build logs with the aim of starting my own tomorrow. They seem a nice bunch of guys over there and there's a good number that know what they're talking about. Right, back...
  10. wobblycogs

    Winter Project Ideas

    I agree, complete genius at work with, have you seen the one that can store pressurized air in old drinks bottles for when the wind isn't blowing? Anyway, I must thank everyone for their suggestions there are some really good ideas. LOML has, however, convinced me to give the CNC a try so I'm...
  11. wobblycogs

    Winter Project Ideas

    Ah, we were talking at cross purposes. I was talking about a fixed belt sander like this: Looking at that design though I'd say there's only really one thing that I think you'll struggle with and that is...
  12. wobblycogs

    Winter Project Ideas

    Love the walking table, I'm going to stick that down on the list of things to make one day. I'm intrigued by your design for the belt sander with only two bearings. Mine has four with the belt running off to one side. I could see a way to get it down to three bearings if you had a direct drive...
  13. wobblycogs

    Winter Project Ideas

    Cheers, SWMBO is trying to convince me to build the CNC. I've told her it's going to cost a fortune but that hasn't put her off. I'm seriously tempted, the problem is that if I do it then I want to be able to machine aluminium and from what I've read that ups the cost significantly. There's...
  14. wobblycogs

    Winter Project Ideas

    That's not a bad idea and I agree it's a pretty dull job which is why I don't sharpen things as much as I probably should. I suspect, however, that would prove to be a deceptively complicated project as it would have to apply pressure to the back of the chisel and move it back and forth. I think...
  15. wobblycogs

    Winter Project Ideas

    I have plenty of experience of projects like that :-). One thing I plan on doing it fixing the PT which seized up more than a year ago now. I think a bearing on the in feed rolled seized and it shredded the main power transfer gear (which is plastic). Until that's fixed "fine" woodworking is...
  16. wobblycogs

    Winter Project Ideas

    Normally I wouldn't have a problem like this but for some reason this year the inspiration just isn't coming so hopefully someone can help me out... For the last few years I've ended up taking most of my annual leave around Christmas and this year is no exception. Rather than spend the time...
  17. wobblycogs

    What was the last film you watched and

    There's certainly some excellent films in that list Noel. I have a friend who is crazy about three Bourne films, I thought they were ok but not absolutely great. We watched a cracker last night: "Seven Pounds" with Will Smith. You'd have to have no heart not to start welling up a some point. We...
  18. wobblycogs

    What was the last film you watched and

    I admit U-571 wasn't the greatest film ever made but I wouldn't say it was "Speed 2 - Cruise Control" bad (although I have to admit the re-write of history got my goat). Ice Station Zebra is very much a film of it's era, worth a watch on a Saturday afternoon.
  19. wobblycogs

    What was the last film you watched and

    Das Boot, 10 out of 10 easy. In fact I can't think of a bad submarine film.
  20. wobblycogs

    What was the last film you watched and

    I'd have to pretty much agree with your there about Tarantino. He's seriously over rated based on a couple of good films early in his career. I quite enjoyed Inglourious Basterds from 2009 but it wasn't a patch on Reservoir Dogs or Pulp Fiction. Are you familiar with the films of Kevin Smith...