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  1. wobblycogs

    Workbench Size

    Hi everyone, I'm in the process of designing the layout for my new home workshop which will hopefully be built towards the end of summer. I've got a SketchUp plan of it and I've thrown a few bits in there to see how they fit but the workbench is making me think. The bench I'm using at the...
  2. wobblycogs

    Home made circular saw guide track

    I made the hooks you see there out of an old piece of aluminium extrusion I have lying around. They don't have to resist any force so anything will do. If you can't find any scrap lying around I'd get a pack of something like this...
  3. wobblycogs

    Home made circular saw guide track

    There's a couple more photos in that album now showing the underside of the guide plate. The running are just a little bit of scrap pine that I hand planed and sanded until it was a nice tight fit in the grooves. I found that over time it got a little stiff so I now spray a teflon lubricant on...
  4. wobblycogs

    Home made circular saw guide track

    I've re-uploaded some photos here: - the originals must have been deleted when I had a clean out. I actually still use this track saw now and then. I plan on buying a Festool track saw at some point though.
  5. wobblycogs

    So much for the self build revolution

    Got to agree with DW, buying a house was the best thing the wife and I did. We paid off the mortgage a couple of years ago and although it's still not plain sailing financially it means we can raise the kids without too much to worry about. Gary, while I agree that the land is finite and...
  6. wobblycogs

    So much for the self build revolution

    I've often thought NZ would be a nice place to live but I suspect that outside the cities it can get very remote very quickly. I think a lot of the Brits that emigrate to live in the sticks in another country don't realize quite how well developed our countryside is. I've just Google Earthed...
  7. wobblycogs

    So much for the self build revolution

    It's in slightly better shape than the house we currently live in was when we bought it so where is it? :-) I forgot to say DW, I agree with your earlier post. I wouldn't do another major restoration on my own. It's taken a lot longer than I expected, cost a lot more and my health has suffered...
  8. wobblycogs

    So much for the self build revolution

    Thing is houses don't have to last just 25 or 50 years, we've had the technology to make them last for centuries for centuries. If you foresee a radical change in the way or location we live in the near future then it makes sense to build cheap short lived houses that can be knocked down and...
  9. wobblycogs

    So much for the self build revolution

    While I broadly agreed with your earlier comment Jacob I can't really agree with that one. I despise the bankers that have brought this country to it's knees, the weak political leadership that has allowed then to get away with it and fact that those same weak politicians have done essentially...
  10. wobblycogs

    So much for the self build revolution

    The way I see it house and land prices are a complex problem with many interacting causes. I certainly think there is a strong argument for freeing up more land for self building but we've got ourselves into such a mess with house prices that any non-trivial increase in building land could...
  11. wobblycogs

    Mould Making

    Wow, that story is horrific, I feel very sorry for the girl. I knew plaster / cement etc got hot while setting but I'm surprised it got that hot. I performed a little experiment yesterday (no laughing when you hear the details). The wife couldn't find any plasticine or clay when she went...
  12. wobblycogs

    Mould Making

    Thanks Jake, I think you've answered every question I'd thought of in one go. I was a bit concerned about sag in a silicone mould as one part of the shoe insert is quite thin (2 to 3mm I'd guess from the way light passes through it). I did a little trial run yesterday with vaseline and it worked...
  13. wobblycogs

    Mould Making

    Progress so far The box is made from facia board and mdf. I'll mount the piece in plasticine tomorrow and then pour in plaster.
  14. wobblycogs

    Mould Making

    I've just measured up for the mould and leaving the recommended 20mm all around the piece would mean I'd need a little over 3kg of silicone which is just not going to happen. I'm pretty sure I could get away with a lot less than 20mm but I definitely agree having a crack with plaster first is...
  15. wobblycogs

    Mould Making

    I'll see if I can get a picture later. To be honest I've not actually calculated how much silicone I'd need yet, 2kg is a guess, so I might be pleasantly surprised. They are about half the length of your foot though so I think the mould would end up requiring a fair bit of silicone. I'd have...
  16. wobblycogs

    Mould Making

    Hi everyone, not been around for a while hope everyone is doing well. Anyway, getting to the point, my dear old mum needs hard plastic inserts in her shoes to correct a problem with her feet. She has one pair of inserts but another pair would be £300+. While you can certainly live with just...
  17. wobblycogs

    Domain name help please

    Sounds like Melbourne IT were trying to fleece you a bit there. Glad to hear you managed to get it re-registered though.
  18. wobblycogs

    Domain name help please

    Undoubtedly the process will be as hard as they can make it because the whole industry is essentially unregulated and if they can force you to stay by making it difficult to leave they will. To be honest if you can change the DNS servers / entries for your domain unless you have a really...
  19. wobblycogs

    Domain name help please

    Personally I wouldn't even consider letting it expire as pretty much all domain names that have been used will be instantly snapped up by squatters as soon as the properly expire especially .com domains. The fact you can't currently re-register it means it's probably still in the grace period at...
  20. wobblycogs

    Water based gloss paints Vs Oil based?

    White paint is white (in almost all cases) because of titanium dioxide. In fact practically everything that we want to be white or lighter in colour ends up with this stuff in it from paint to food. It's great because it doesn't fade or go yellow over time which is perfect for paint. To get that...