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  1. wobblycogs

    Putty advice for sash windows

    Thanks Olly, that's a great idea. Once the glass is fixed in place I can pretty much do what I want with the window. I'll see if I can get some photos tomorrow as the woodwork on these windows is amazingly delicate. I don't know what you'd call it but the bit of timber on the outside of the...
  2. wobblycogs

    Putty advice for sash windows

    The additional weight is a bit of a concern. Some of the glass I removed was only 2mm, I guess it was original. It was exceedingly fragile and broke as soon as I looked at it too strongly. I think I should be ok on the weights. At some point I think someone has changed the weights as they were...
  3. wobblycogs

    Putty advice for sash windows

    Sorry, I know this is a bit of a stretch for woodworking but it is sort of woodwork adjacent... I've been restoring the sash windows in our place, they were in a terrible condition and I've ended up having to replace the glass (as well as dismantle and reassemble the sash, sigh). These aren't...
  4. wobblycogs

    Incised letter carving, question about depth of cut

    The cuts are 6mm wide by 30mm tall. The width is what's suggested in the book, the height is the largest chisel I currently have. I'm certainly going to print off some text and give that a try. The book is hardcore, it suggests you can use stencils and the like but from the outset the focus is...
  5. wobblycogs

    Face Masks

    I use a Moldex half mask. Not as comfy as my 3M half mask but the filters are a fraction of the cost so I change them more often. If cost is a factor this is definitely worth a look.
  6. wobblycogs

    Incised letter carving, question about depth of cut

    That's some lovely neat work. I am cutting as you described, centre cut followed by angle cuts to each side. I've attached a photo of one of my practice pieces. The bottom row is all cut to 60 degrees and top row was more of an experiment. I started with shallow angles on the left and then got...
  7. wobblycogs

    Incised letter carving, question about depth of cut

    Thanks, I'm just learning at the moment so only producing test pieces. I've got good artificial and natural lighting in the workshop though. I'm going to try and find something with a 60 angle at the end and test my cuts. Looking again I suspect I might be raising the chisel as I strike causing...
  8. wobblycogs

    Incised letter carving, question about depth of cut

    I'm currently working my way through Chris Pyes book on letter carving and I can't help feeling I'm incising too deeply. The book recommends a chisel angle of 60 degrees which I'm fine with (I've even cut myself a guide block) but the resulting trench looks too deep to my eye. I suspect the...
  9. wobblycogs

    A box to store seeds in, advice needed on hardware

    I've been away from woodworking for a while (unless you count building walls and floors) and I thought it was high time I got back to it. Since I've taken up gardening I have all the seeds so what better item to build than a box to store them in. This is reclaimed timber so I'm not completely...
  10. wobblycogs

    Need more advice on PT modification / repair (the saga continues) - Jet JPT-260

    Thanks, touch wood the machine is currently working. I basically did as you suggested, just kept dripping oil in until the bearings ran freely. Ideally they would have some sort of oiling system but I don't use the machine anywhere near as much as I would like so for now at least it's going to...
  11. wobblycogs

    Need more advice on PT modification / repair (the saga continues) - Jet JPT-260

    Well, what would you know. I've just popped down to the workshop to see if I could fit in oil cups and it seems the oil I dripped on the shaft yesterday has worked its way into the bushings. The infeed now rotates very freely, I can even get it to spin freely a little. The outfeed can now easily...
  12. wobblycogs

    Need more advice on PT modification / repair (the saga continues) - Jet JPT-260

    I did consider oil cups, I didn't realize why made tiny ones like that though. I'll head down to the workshop just now and see if I could fit them in. You are correct in how the bushings are fitted. The whole cutter head assembly needs to be taken apart in order to work on them which is most...
  13. wobblycogs

    Need more advice on PT modification / repair (the saga continues) - Jet JPT-260

    I couldn't say for sure what the bushing is made from, I would assume cast iron. Both the bushing and the shaft are smooth, there's no grooves to hold oil / grease. I could probably make shallow grooves in the shaft, I'm sure I could rig something up in the wood lathe. I did consider trying to...
  14. wobblycogs

    Need more advice on PT modification / repair (the saga continues) - Jet JPT-260

    A few weeks ago I posted a question asking about a modification I was considering making to my PT. At the end of that thread I decided to replace the chain and see if that fixed the issue. Many thanks for all your help there but now I come to actually do the job I don't think the chain is the...
  15. wobblycogs

    Advice needed on a possible P/T modification to prevent the chain skipping

    @sawdust1 I've had this machine complete in pieces as I had to change the feed roller bushings, that's where I got the technical note from. The feed rollers are spring loaded from above so they are to some extent self adjusting. There's no guidance in the manual for setting the loading but it's...
  16. wobblycogs

    Advice needed on a possible P/T modification to prevent the chain skipping

    Thanks @cowtown_eric, you're probably right about the chain being worn out. I'll see if I can get a replacement. I'm surprised it's worn out already as the machine hasn't done a lot of work over it's life but it's a cheap possible solution I suppose. I could probably turn a larger idler wheel.
  17. wobblycogs

    Advice needed on a possible P/T modification to prevent the chain skipping

    Thanks everyone for the insights, to answer the questions that have been asked... The P/T is a Jet JPT-260, it's a few years old but it's not done much work compared to what it's designed to be able to do. @deema @Spectric The sprockets are in good order, the tips of the sprockets still have...
  18. wobblycogs

    Advice needed on a possible P/T modification to prevent the chain skipping

    There's a photograph with annotations attached which probably explains it better than I can do with words! Essentially the problem is that when under load the chain that drives the feed rollers will skip on the outfeed roller occasionally , particularly on hard timber that requires more power...
  19. wobblycogs

    Festool ROS Broken, advice needed

    Yeah, I've tried with and without the extractor and with two different leads. I also tested the original lead on a different tool and it was fine. It's dead as a door nail.
  20. wobblycogs

    Festool ROS Broken, advice needed

    Thanks, and I agree. I only own a few bits of Festool stuff but they feel like they need handling with kid gloves. I don't regret the domino but the other bits I'm seriously thinking I made the wrong decision. When I compare my Festool stuff to my Makita SCMS it's night and day, that SCMS could...