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  1. G

    Has anyone seen my trousers?

    Remember that Wallace and Grommet film ? Now we know where they came from.
  2. G

    Vacuum Chucking - Poll to understand usage

    I am part way there. I have a 4.5cfm pump, a pressure gauge and manifold, some pipework, and a connector to the lathe ( I have a Jet 3520 and they have an accessory connection to the outboard end of the spindle ) I now need to make some chucks and a faceplate. I haven't given it to much thought...
  3. G

    The new (ish) Axy Evolution Chuck - any opinions from owners

    I have three of them Bob, brought with longish intervals between each. That, to me, says it all.
  4. G

    Castle Box

    I really like that Simon. Well done.
  5. G

    Please Post Your SPRING Woodturning Challenge Entry Here

    I am going to enter as well this year. This is a small box ( 70mm X 55mm ) made from Wild Mango, a lovely wood to turn. I cut a three inch ( 75mm) cube and put between centres to round and turn a tenon on the lid end and a mortise on the base. Tools used were the usual roughing gouge and...
  6. G

    Please Post Your SPRING Woodturning Challenge Entry Here

    The Spring Challenge is being judged by Paul Hannaby and my thanks go to him for that. The challenge was open to anyone and everyone and was for any object turned from a 75mm cube of wood. Entries must be new and made specifically for the Challenge. Entries must be made of wood which must be...
  7. G

    Goodbye my beloved SM42!

    Well done. So what has Rob got himself now ?
  8. G

    Chuck recommendations

    It was an ongoing problem until I ( hopefully ) solved it with half a bottle of superglue. The grub screw appeared to be holding it tight but when on the lathe you could turn the blank to and fro a bit as the screw turned a bit on the grub screw. Pretty sure I had it in the right place.
  9. G

    Chuck recommendations

    Great choice of chuck ( I have 3 ) but I am not so impressed with the screw. The main body holds in the chuck well but the screw tends to move no matter how you tighten it.
  10. G

    Spring 2016 Challenge

    This is a wood turning competition !!
  11. G

    A summery of the 2016 Woodturning Challenges.

    Well done Andrew. I look forward to seeing it.
  12. G

    Random Orbital Sander do I need one, if so which.

    Sorry Lons, I didn't realise that was your name. I was jokingly referring to our forum moderator "Random Orbital Bob' :)
  13. G

    Random Orbital Sander do I need one, if so which.

    You will get a much better finish with a random orbital sander than you would with a random orbital Bob !!! :)
  14. G

    Bowl gouge question - handle size on Sorby and Hamlet

    I think the width, or thickness, of the handle is down to your hand size. mine are like hams and the handle fits fine . The length, to my mind at least, is almost irrelevant. The long handle on the Sorby is donated by the LH at the end of the serial number so there is almost certainly a shorter...
  15. G

    What you do with your creations?

    The biggest problem ( I would think ) with even trying to earn money from an enjoyable hobby is that it would no longer be a hobby.
  16. G

    Sorby Pro-Edge jig Raiser to overcome catching on switching

    I agree about it being the best( though it is the only one I have had :) ) and in general I am more than happy with it. To a large extent I have gone over to collett handles, though not for that reason, but it isn't really an answer. The problem with the switch box only occurs when trying to...
  17. G

    Sorby Pro-Edge jig Raiser to overcome catching on switching

    Ahh, I haven't come across that. What benefit does it have ?
  18. G

    Sorby Pro-Edge jig Raiser to overcome catching on switching

    Your tool rest appears to be different to mine. Narrower and without a channel for the jigs to slide in........ or is it just my eyesight ? I have been thinking about moving the switch box but a peep inside makes me think it will not be possible.