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  1. G

    My lathe has gone catawampus

    How so ? The speed dial takes the speed down to zero, thereby stopping the lathe. I use the on / off switch at the end of the session (usually) but not when I am stopping the wood spinning so I can see how its going or what have you. To do so could be dangerous as it would start again at full speed.
  2. G

    My lathe has gone catawampus

    This is all above my head but makes interesting reading and I am appreciating it. I have, on occasions, stopped the lathe by turning down the speed dial and then unplugged it without pushing in the on/off ( not NVR :) ) switch. When I pkug the lathe in again I do indeed have to push the switch...
  3. G

    Another Visitor

    Ahh yes, I remember the Christmas before last. We had a Turkey visit us. Didn't hang around for long though.
  4. G

    My lathe has gone catawampus

    Hi again Sunnybob. Yes that is the lathe and yes that is the wiring diagram I am used to. On off switch not a NVR ? OK, I guess I just assumed that is what they fit. Inverter ? This is from page 13 of that booklet you linked to. Single Phase Operation A three wire pigtail for use on 230 volt...
  5. G

    My lathe has gone catawampus

    Hi Sunnybob You now have me talking about things I know nothing about. :) The lathe, A Jet 3520, has an inverter on the back of the headstock. On the headstock is ( was ) a switch panel containing a NVR push/ pull switch, a forward/reverse switch and a speed dial going down to zero (...
  6. G

    My lathe has gone catawampus

    Thanks Finneyb and Sunnybob. With the machine plugged in and turned on at the wall I still hear a click when the inverter comes on and get a display in the RPM window even with the NVR switch activated ( ie. turned off ). It has always been that way. I have to admit that I have messed with the...
  7. G

    My lathe has gone catawampus

    My lovely 18 month old Jet 3520 lathe has died on me. While I am waiting talk to Axminster on Tuesday I am wondering if anyone here has any ideas. I was using it quite happily for an hour or so I turned it off by turning the speed down to zero while I went and picked up something heavy for...
  8. G

    Problem with ants? This is the answer

    Simple salt and vinegar. They drink the vinegar, get drunk and chuck rocks at each other.
  9. G

    Calling all Camvac owners for advice on a 286-4 36L 2kw plz

    Hi DJ Yes I have had to replace all my cages they seem like a weak design but it MAY be that I do not clean the bags often enough. I have never heard of hot glueing them in place and I am not sure I see the point. elastic in the top of the cloth bag and the the elastic band that holds the paper...
  10. G

    Calling all Camvac owners for advice on a 286-4 36L 2kw plz

    The plastic cage goes onto the base of the motor BEFORE the cloth and paper bags. Its purpose id to stop the bags collapsing when the suction starts. You will find that all the circulating plastic bits ( the thinner ones ) snap after a while and you will need a new cage.
  11. G

    Calling all Camvac owners for advice on a 286-4 36L 2kw plz

    I have two camvacs and have always found the fittings and filter arrangements to be very heath robinson with the bags and plastic frame you talk about being held on by an elastic band. However it has to be said that THEY WORK BRILLIANTLY. :)
  12. G

    The new (ish) Axy Evolution Chuck - any opinions from owners

    Yep, I am a multi billionaire. And an outrageous liar. ( about being a billionaire, not about having three chucks. Once you have one it seems to make sense to go with what you know and like. )
  13. G

    Nick Agar at Didcot Woodturners

    Cant wait. I have comeback from Yandles early for this :)
  14. G

    Yandles! - Annoyed

    Should be any day now. :) I will be there Friday as well.
  15. G

    Chuck Jaws

    Or do you mean how far in do they need to be for a full circle hold ? in which case I think it is about 1/8 of an inch from fully closed.
  16. G

    Summer 16 Woodturning Challenge

    The Summer Challenge is for a single object made from at least two different woods. Richard Findley has kindly agreed to judge this quarter’s Challenge, Challenge Requirements: This month’s rules are:- 1. The Challenge is open to anyone and everyone. 2. Entries must be new and made...
  17. G

    Spring Challenge. The Results.

    :) Hi Bubba Previous organisers have entered the competition and been treated fairly by these same judges and I don't imagine that I am any different. When I finished the box and looked at it I really liked it and thought it would do well but the photos showed probable tool marks etc on the...
  18. G

    Spring Challenge. The Results.

    The results for the Spring Challenge are now in and are made up as follows. My thanks to Paul Hannaby, judging the entries must have been a difficult task. Judge's Scores Hi Graham, Here's the results - 1. Andy43 - An interesting combination used to good effect.10 points 2. Dennisk - Tight...
  19. G

    The new (ish) Axy Evolution Chuck - any opinions from owners

    I have the three different sizes of O'donnell jaws mounted on my three chucks and they are perfect for perhaps 90% of what I do but the holding points are smaller and more 'delicate' than normal C jaws, They are not suited to big heavy lumps. For these you need a wider and deeper tenon or...
  20. G

    Has anyone seen my trousers?

    Have you checked in the fridge ?