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  1. G

    Who's been to Daventry show?

    Hi Peter I thought you had something to do with it and hoped you would answer. I expect we will book in somewhere for Friday night at least so we can get there nice and early and only drive one way on the day ( SWMBO has to do the driving ) We went to 10 Turners turning in Nuneaton both days and...
  2. G

    Who's been to Daventry show?

    It is the Tudor Rose woodturning show next month and I intend to go but wife doesn't fancy driving both ways and spending day there so question is...... How big is it ? does it take all day to see ? Is it worth booking accomodation and going back again next day ?
  3. G

    Training videos

    Sir.... Sir.... Taz is cheating.
  4. G


    You have to admire it for trying something new, just look at him Go At it.
  5. G

    Training videos

    Certainly goes into more detail than most Youtubers.
  6. G

    Where / how to dry wood ?

    Thats a good idea Dalboy.
  7. G

    Where / how to dry wood ?

    Does that mean you had three dustbins Peter ? :)
  8. G

    Where / how to dry wood ?

    So, under a roof or somesuch to keep rain and sun off but otherwise open to the elements and a good airflow. Hmmm.
  9. G

    Interesting for noobs like me

    I hace seen it before but its one of those that is worth watching again and again.
  10. G

    Where / how to dry wood ?

    Just wondering where the best place is to dry branch / trunk wood logs ? Inside ?, outside ? under a lean to etc ?
  11. G

    Year 10 slowly getting the hang of it.

    Beautiful work as always Chas.
  12. G

    Hopefully last turnings

    Ahh, parting is such sweet sorrow. Nice work.
  13. G

    First bit of ash

    Missed this one. It will be good to see the finished article, ash always surprises me, I think of it as being bland and boring but it comes up with some striking shades and patterns sometimes.
  14. G

    Replacement spindle

    And the one guy who does notice, and does matter, probably doesn't care anyway. It looks pretty good to me.
  15. G

    Anyone got the makita RT0700CX2?

    I have one. Brilliant bit of kit, I have used it for template trimming, doing mortices, shaping perspex ..... I love it.
  16. G

    Yandles demo done

    Glad it went so well for you. I would like to have been there.
  17. G

    Steve's workshop - Painting the outside walls

    And just to add to your hassles...... don't forget everybody here wants to see a WIP video :)
  18. G

    Spinning Wheel

    Doesn't it have a lovely glow to it ?
  19. G

    Mulberry and ash

    very nice.
  20. G

    Craft fairs

    So are you going to share these words of wisdom ? :)