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  1. G

    Things you learn on Youtube.

    Yes, I forgot to mention, these were all American turners.
  2. G

    Nova and Super Nova chuck. The difference.

    Comes from being made upside down :)
  3. G

    Things you learn on Youtube.

    That must have been interesting<ducking> :)
  4. G

    Things you learn on Youtube.

    I have been watching so many vids I am getting spinny eyes but I have learnt two things I didn't know. 1... When tightening a chuck you need to use ALL your strength. If your muscles aint bulging it aint tight enough. 2... When turning you have to wear a tatty glove on your left hand like...
  5. G

    Bowling Ball Mallet

    ten pins used to be made out of wood but are now composite like everything else. You would need to use care when turning as they have two hollow sections inside which make it spin when knocked over.
  6. G

    Fruit knife....

    Very nice little knives. The Oak burr is outstanding.
  7. G

    Turning mnaterial

    I read your post and thought of lots of questions, and they have all been asked :) so I will just add this to my ( very small ) knowledge bank. I take it you can turn it with ordinary tools ?
  8. G

    Nick Westerman Bladed Marking Knife

    Good Lord. What a waste of a perfectly good old door handle. They can never be replaced you know.
  9. G

    Record DML/24

    If you are planning to use the lathe straight away then the 700 chuck currently on offer for the weekend at Rutlands shouldn't be missed.
  10. G

    Bowling Ball Mallet

    Great use for an old unwanted ball :) Looks gorgeous.
  11. G

    Heads up - XT700 chuck for £59 incl delivery

    I don't think so ( but could be wrong ) I think that is part of the reason they are selling so cheap.
  12. G

    More wabi sabi as threatened

    Just bear in mind these are opinions on what best pleases each individual who has commented. They are not criticisms. In the end the only opinions that matter are those of the maker and the purchaser and they will always agree.
  13. G

    Hot glue gun for glue chucks

    Think I'm going back in my box :)
  14. G

    Buying advice - Table Saw £400 - £500 range

    Had you asked about a table saw or suitable alternative then I would also agree that a track saw is a good idea ( but would have suggested the makita version ) but you specifically asked about table saws so I have no comment :)
  15. G

    More wabi sabi as threatened

    I think the mouse, or something similar and light coloured, should be there but have to agree about the TV ariel, it makes it look a bit top heavy and draws the eye away.
  16. G

    Hot glue gun for glue chucks

    Ok, It looks like the Bosch is favourite, bit surprised nobody has the battery ones. :)
  17. G

    toothpick dispenser

    Very good Chas, same sort of thing they use for drinking straws in cafes.
  18. G

    Yippee its here

    Okay. You had me wondering what a boiler was a euphemism for :)
  19. G

    Latest wabi sabi piece: New photos attached.

    Seems a little bland compared to your usual stuff :) (homer) Oops, you have changed the originals (hammer)
  20. G

    Heads up - XT700 chuck for £59 incl delivery

    No good for my 33 x 3.5 then.