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  1. G

    Food safe waterproof finish for Ash

    Eeee, what ya playing at Deejay ? You should know that without a piccie it hasn't happened :)
  2. G

    Lathe ID?

    It certainly gives me the impression that there should be something else at the tailstock end..... If not home made then possibly adapted.
  3. G

    Handle for Long Hole Boring auger

    Just as an off the wall idea Bob. How about grinding off the wings and then drilling out the handle slightly oversized so that the bit will go all the way through it. You could then use a grub screw type thing to hold it tight but be able to slide the handle further up the bit to give less flex...
  4. G

    First post - need some advice on gloss finish

    Don't know enough to help with your question but I can say welcome to the forum. :)
  5. G


    That is surprisingly obliging of them.
  6. G

    Suggest a good wood for a mallet

    :P Daft as it sounds, I hadn't thought of that. End up with different sizes regardless :)
  7. G

    Suggest a good wood for a mallet

    Not long till the egg has to be submitted so time will tell :) Just hope it hatches in time.
  8. G

    Suggest a good wood for a mallet

    OK, so I want to make a carvers type mallet, LV is often used but to much hassle to get hold of and I want to turn the head and handle in one piece. I guess Ash has a good impact resistance but I fancy something with a bit more style or colour to it. What would the team suggest ?
  9. G

    competition ... must be worth a go for a freebie

    I really don't know Bob. I am on their email list and I get one a month or thereabouts. I have no problem with that. I can read it or delete it as I choose. On the other hand I am automatically suspicious of people that want my phone number. Maybe they only want it for a one time use but...
  10. G

    competition ... must be worth a go for a freebie

    I am quite happy for them to do that by email
  11. G

    competition ... must be worth a go for a freebie

    So, has anyone entered ? I am wondering why they should want your phone number.......
  12. G

    Zero output

    I used to be able to do all that in a weekend. It was about the same time that you could go to the flicks, have popcorn and get a taxi home and still have change from a sixpence.
  13. G

    competition ... must be worth a go for a freebie

    Oh, I see. All you have to do is send the answer to a simple question to their email address. Plus a contact phone number. Hmmm
  14. G

    competition ... must be worth a go for a freebie

    I can get onto the site without problem but cannot see anything about the competition. There is however a comment on the home page about having problems with some servers.
  15. G

    Zero output

    Don't need a barbie to burn stuff :)
  16. G

    Zero output

    Mine were very hot............. and burnt.
  17. G

    Zero output

    How strange. I had a few dogs and played with the beers.