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  1. G

    Cherry Goblet

    Morning Bob. Thanks for that, some good tips there. Can I claim that any ridges you are seeing are seems in the chocolate ? Seriously though, if there are ridges then I am not seeing them, it feels lovely and smooth. If i get really persistent with the fingers then I maybe can detect a bit of a...
  2. G

    Toxic timbers and effects on the body!

    It is like everything else I guess. For instance I can take just about any tablet you throw at me ( except Penicillin which will kill me ) whereas the wife seems unable to tolerate any tablet at all. Horses for courses and bear in mind that all woods have a POTENTIAL to harm someone. We will...
  3. G

    Cherry Goblet

    I actually have a canon G10 somewhere. I will have to search it out for next month and build myself a little portable studio or some such.
  4. G

    Cherry Goblet

    I am not even going to ask how you know I have an I Phone :) This is all going to get very expensive isn't it. :)
  5. G

    Toxic timbers and effects on the body!

    Tikes. Doesn't leave much does it. I always new I was safer playing marbles.
  6. G


    I like that. There is one thing you obviously aren't short of and thats imagination. :)
  7. G


    OK, I am getting mine in before everybody else's puts me off :) It looks better in reality than it does in the pictures. Elm, approx 100mm Tools used. Roughing gouge, spindle gouge and parting tool. Sanded doen to 400. Two coats of cellulose sanding sealer, denibbed after each coat. then...
  8. G

    The Dangers of woodshavings

    Its called senility. I keep forgetting I can do that now. ( sort of )
  9. G

    Cherry Goblet

    +1 Pete. Some amazing stuff there.
  10. G

    The Dangers of woodshavings

    No such thing as to big, just use a pint mug as an eggcup :)
  11. G

    Cherry Goblet

    It looks good to me Bob, though I would have to agree that I would prefer a simpler stem. What gets me is the finish and/or photography. I have just finished a certain something ( you will probably see later today) that looks and feels as smooth as a babies bum but in the photo looks like a...
  12. G

    competition ... must be worth a go for a freebie

    <rant mode on> What really greaves me ( tight wad that I must be ) is that I have to pay to have a phone but they seem to think it is their right to use it without my permission. As if I had put it there for their convenience. <rant mode off>
  13. G

    Lathe ID?

    Sad to say it but I have to agree. Help is always available here 'before' you decide to buy.
  14. G

    Motor capacitor required

    I look forward to seeing some of your projects, We are kind of fond of piccies around here. :)
  15. G

    competition ... must be worth a go for a freebie

    I agree with everything you say, and it would be prohibitively expensive for them to keep phoning customers to prompt further sales, so why do they want it ? If it is to converse with the winner to get an address etc then email is better and more accurate. I am sure they are perfectly...
  16. G

    The Dangers of woodshavings

    Ahh, how cute. Somebody has to say it :)
  17. G

    Lathe ID?

    If the outside diameter of the threads is 28.5..... ? sounds a bit small for 33 X 3.5
  18. G

    Fruit knife....

    Many thanks for the thought Phil but on this occasion I will give it a miss. It would be ages before I got around to using them.