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  1. G

    Finishing order

    Thank you for answering the original question Chas. :)
  2. G

    Finishing order

    Here speaks the voice of inexperience but holding the wood to the sandpaper must require a very light and practised touch. It would be very easy to change shapes that way. ( happy to be corrected :) )
  3. G

    Cheapo No 2 morse Steb

    Toolpost do the 1/2 - 7/8 - and 1.1/4 in 1MT. They also do the chuck held version in all sizes and the revolving tail centre version. All Sorby so not cheap
  4. G

    April Challenge - THE RESULTS

    I have only just noticed but each of the winners names is a link to their entry. I like that.
  5. G

    Finishing order

    Cheers Pete I sanded lightly between each coat of whatever but wonder what the chemical compound of sealer does to the wax on the bit already done ?
  6. G

    Finishing order

    When making the easter egg for the challenge ( The first thing I had turned ) I sanded down and applied two coats of cellulose sanding sealer then two coats of MC wax to all accessible parts while still on the lathe. I then parted off which left a tiny stub at the pointy end to be finished by...
  7. G

    Cheapo No 2 morse Steb

    Probably better to wait tip next year if you don't want the boys in blue knocking on your door ( as if ) but the ebay ad said that there would be no duty payable .
  8. G

    May Woodturning Challenge - the Requirements

    I have been looking forward to this one, So many things to be learnt. :)
  9. G

    April Challenge - THE RESULTS

    My thanks to Richard and Mike for their valuable work. I really wouldn't have wanted to judge that lot. Congrats to all the placed entries, all were great and Dennisk was a very worthy winner. I really enjoyed the challenge and learning experience.
  10. G

    Cheapo No 2 morse Steb

    That looks pretty good value even with the P&P. but I will stick with my chuck mounted version and continue to look for a smaller version of that as well :)
  11. G

    Is a Steb Centre really worth it?

    Only the OP can decide if the cost is worth it for him. I find them a whole lot quicker and easier to use and that made it worth it for me.
  12. G


    It would be a useful resource but would probably not replace the 'what is this' threads. In many of them the OP already knows what it is but is challenging others to identify it for fun. These are quite a good learning experience.
  13. G

    stuck drive centre

    Id all else fails, brute force and ignorance :)
  14. G

    Is a Steb Centre really worth it?

    I am happy to jump on the stab centre choo choo as well. I am not in any form of production scenario but splashed out on one as soon as I got the lathe and am happy I did.
  15. G

    stuck drive centre

    A steb centre would only work with the tail stock pushing at the other end
  16. G

    Another 'What wood is this?' question.

    Some of my practice pieces would be improved by a few nails.
  17. G

    stuck drive centre

    I have the steb centre that fits in a chuck ( I imagine it would fit pretty much any chuck ) and it is very easy and convenient to use but I have not seen a 1/2 inch version.
  18. G

    stuck drive centre

    Glad you've got it sorted Woodmonkey
  19. G

    competition ... must be worth a go for a freebie

    Just realised I had so many typos in that post it was rubbish :)