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  1. G

    Too early for Xmas scrolling?

    I have just had a word with him, you were down for 3.55 am but now he's not so sure. The fact that my medication has run out has no bearing on the content of this post,
  2. G

    I hate electrics

    never heard of that Phil. Where would I get one from. Actually that raises a point that may or may not have any relevance. The tv over my big lathe is a proper cable from socket to TV. Both the monitor and the new TV are thin cable going to a box ( transformer ? ) and then proper cable from...
  3. G

    Too early for Xmas scrolling?

    Thats you crossed off his visit list then. :)
  4. G

    I hate electrics

    Hi Pete. If that is all it is then it would be easy to deal with. It is true that the position of the extension sockets mean that ALL the cables run close to the lathe motor and the inverter box thingee...... But what about the TV picture going off when I use the sharpener which is four feet...
  5. G

    I hate electrics

    This gets a bit involved :) I have a lathe with a video camera over it feeding to a TV - No problems, everything works fine. I now want to take the set up out and about so I have brought another, smaller, lathe (Axi 14-16vs ) have the video set up above it and and ( to start with ) a monitor...
  6. G

    Replacment handle

    Ashley Iles sell ferules pretty cheap.
  7. G

    Replacment handle

    Sorry Derek but this is really not up to your usual standard. I have just compared your handle to the Sorby one and there is a .75mm difference. Good job though. :)
  8. G

    The Winter 16 Woodturning Challenge

    Sat there waiting were you Derek ??? :)
  9. G

    The Winter 16 Woodturning Challenge

    The Winter 16 Challenge is for a ‘Christmas Decoration’. Richard Findley has kindly agreed to judge this quarter’s Challenge, Challenge Requirements: A Christmas Decoration This quarter’s rules are:- 1. The Challenge is open to anyone and everyone. Entries must be new and made specifically...
  10. G

    Bandsaw rage

    Put the blade in the centre of the top wheel - Thats fine Bob, but what part of the blade, front of teeth, gullet, back of blade ? As you will guess, I am also having this problem lately.
  11. G

    Autumn 16 Challenge results

    I am assuming Chaz intervened and included the pictures ? Thank you.
  12. G

    For all you pen turners

    There are one or two nice designs there. Trouble is they seem to have got rid of some nice designs as well.
  13. G

    Multiple Challenge Entries

    I am not trying to have a pop at you Naznomad, as I said, there is nothing stopping it and I agree with your and others comments. It could well build the number of entries. Actually I applaud you. I have made two versions of an entry in the past and then had to decide which was best. Never...
  14. G

    Multiple Challenge Entries

    As I am sure you all noticed, somebody made two entries for the Autumn challenge. There is nothing in the rules limiting turners to one entry but I feel it could be a double edged sword. I would be interested in hearing the thoughts of all the entrants and those of people who just like to...
  15. G

    Autumn 16 Challenge results

    The results for the autumn Challenge are now in and are made up as follows. My thanks to Paul Hannaby for ably judging the entries. Judge's Scores Hi Graham, Here's the results - 1. Dalboy - Confident enough to choose a finish that hides nothing! That say it all. 2. Gregmcateer - There is no...
  16. G

    Am i cutting it fine

    :) I feel sure you will manage Derek.
  17. G

    Autumn Challenge.Place ONLY your entries here. (no comments)

    Time's up ladies and gents. The Autumn Challenge was for a ‘Pierced turning’. Paul Hannaby has kindly agreed to judge this quarter’s Challenge, Challenge Requirements: The Autumn quarter’s rules were:- 1. The Challenge is open to anyone and everyone. Entries must be new and made...
  18. G

    Tenons and mortices

    Good video. I use O'Donnell jaws almost exclusively now but I have sometimes wondered how strong a grip they are providing The mortice or tenon are very shallow, probably no more than about 4mm.
  19. G

    Autumn 16 Challenge

    UK time Bubba. Don't make my life any more confusing than it already is. :)
  20. G

    Autumn 16 Challenge

    I like the concept.