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  1. sawdustalley

    Router table - an idiots guide to safety

    Yeah that sounds about right, glad I got that one in my head now - I was routing near the fence. As Charley said valuable lesson learn't - won't do that one again. See, the problem is Norm - my home-made router table doesnt come with safety instructions :(
  2. sawdustalley

    Router table - an idiots guide to safety

    Yeah, They can be violent if you do it the wrong way. I had a problem, not sure why this happened, maybe someone could explain. I was making a groove across the grain of some pine (maybe 2 inches in from the edge) using the fence to guide my board (which was about 12" wide). The router bit was...
  3. sawdustalley

    Elektra Beckum KGS331

    Aragorn, Having said that the fence on mine is warped, near the blade it is not in contact with the wood - this I have found caused kickback a couple of times, and means also its not always accurate. I made a MDF sub-fence which means its all OK now. I nicked this idea from "johns workshop" I...
  4. sawdustalley

    Old Routers

    wow..they don't make em' like they used to :)
  5. sawdustalley

    Workshop floors..

    Yeah, I have a concrete floor. I now have a carpeted concrete floor, much warmer and softer to stand on all day (And protects the tools etc) ..........what.............I do live in Surrey you know! :roll:
  6. sawdustalley

    Elektra Beckum KGS331

    Hello, and welcome to UKWorkshop I have the KGS 255 saw at the moment, brilliant bit of kit - maybe a bit better for site use than in the workshop. There is a review here: I know from peoples words, that the saw you speak of is quality...
  7. sawdustalley

    Old Routers

    Interesting, I swear i've seen one being used in one of the guides in New Woodworking. I'll have a look later to see what the guys name is - was a fixed base (60's I rekon) type. This wonderful book - make sure you don't miss out the Elu MOF96 now :wink:
  8. sawdustalley

    Axminster Next Day Delivery - RIP

    Did you have to pay extra for the next day?
  9. sawdustalley

    Did you know that....

    B&Q owns Screwfix :o ....since 1999! ... main.jhtml Total surprise to me, usually these things are fairly well known, but didnt have a clue on this one.
  10. sawdustalley

    door timber

    oak :D mahogany :D
  11. sawdustalley

    TREND T5 or DeWalt 621K ???????

    I also am the proud owner of a T5 - Its very simple, but good. I have used the small DeWALT one aswell, not sure how they compare. I think for workshop use I would go for a Trend T5.
  12. sawdustalley

    cutting sleepers :-(

    You could use a tennon saw :P
  13. sawdustalley

    cutting sleepers :-(

    No, I'm not talking about ground force - another make-over show called "Big Strong Boys" where I did some backstage prep last summer. We had to make a table, with 4 legs made from railway sleepers - BIG and very HEAVY things, not sure if they were OAK or just old mature Pine. The saw seemed...
  14. sawdustalley

    cutting sleepers :-(

    Chainsaw. I know the BBC use a DeWALT aligator saw.
  15. sawdustalley

    Updated Exhibitors List for Ally Pally

    And the point of that is..... :?:
  16. sawdustalley

    Goncalo Alves

    Yeah, someone said use a poly glue, like this: (which I would reccomend)
  17. sawdustalley

    Ally Pally Show, help please

    Its a fair size event. Not sure on the exact dimensions of it :wink: remember, if you go - you dont have to spend money, however I'm sure anyone who goes will buy at least something.
  18. sawdustalley

    Goncalo Alves

    Yeah, I think that will probably do the trick as I have seen people use acetone before and the like. Don't quote me on that however :(
  19. sawdustalley

    Glue brushes, spreaders etc.

    Yes, I got mine aswell - very pleased. I will order more at a later date probably.
  20. sawdustalley

    The Axminster "take" on Dado Head Cutters

    Yet another dado head discussion :roll: Also noticed in the review, axminster are selling a new super dooper looking saw guard, the type which hovers - and does not need a riving knife to hold it. (Thus more safely allowing "un-guarded" work to be performed guarded.