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  1. sawdustalley

    Need Help with some decisions.......

    Having a dis-agreement over the IT industry is irrelevant. If you wish to contribute to this thread please do so, if you want to moan at me - feel free to email me: james [ at ]
  2. sawdustalley

    Table Saw

    Exactly - Its in their latest review magazine I think.
  3. sawdustalley

    Has Axminster gone insane?!

    Alf, You sure got the "Off Topic" bit right :?
  4. sawdustalley

    Table Saw

    How much are you looking to spend? Axminster have got a fantastic new one - think its around £100, so maybe not for you?
  5. sawdustalley


    :arrow: The chisels shown from axminster are pretty decent, I was lucky enough to have santa bring me a set this year for one of my woodworking related presents. Depends what you need them for, they are cabinetmakers chisels - if you are on a building site they may not be too good
  6. sawdustalley

    Need Help with some decisions.......

    I never said that it was un-reasonable
  7. sawdustalley

    Need Help with some decisions.......

    Please try to stick on topic.
  8. sawdustalley

    Need Help with some decisions.......

    Welcome to UK Workshop, I am 16 years old myself so you are not alone. I looked into training a year back or so. Decided in the end it wasn't for me, and now I am doing A-levels. There are mixed views on this, some will tell you that craftsmen are rare and you will be coining it in, and some...
  9. sawdustalley

    Tablesaw and P/T recommendations - what do you think?

    Hello, For the drill press, have you thought about the axminster range of white ones? I haven't used one personallu - but then I've never heard any complaints from anybody either:
  10. sawdustalley

    Performance Power Pro Bench Top Table Saw

    I'm guessing your talking about this here, ... aintCatId= Yeah, does look good - infact, guess what looks pretty much the same to the axminster saw here
  11. sawdustalley

    magnifier for saw stop

    hehe - thats the one, I meant to say £18 think the smiley may have changed that :)
  12. sawdustalley

    magnifier for saw stop

    I think that axminster sell a saw stop device (Around £18 ). It has a built in magnifier I think, you can have a look on - have a search around/
  13. sawdustalley

    Time to have a go at turning

    gone :) Sorry I mis-understood.
  14. sawdustalley

    Your worst tool?

    Bessey speedclamps are not the kliklamps. I personally think the klikclamps are great, very well made - no problems with them at all.
  15. sawdustalley


    Interesting, isn't that just their manufacturing equiptment though?
  16. sawdustalley

    How can i make one of these? What tools would i need?

    Forgive me if i'm wrong, but wouldnt it prove so much cheaper and easier to buy something like that. I thought the idea of self defense was that you could use it anywhere when needed, do they do a fold up version :P OR you could just use a broom handle instead?
  17. sawdustalley

    Keeping router sitched on.

    string :P
  18. sawdustalley

    Cedar or Deal (I think)
  19. sawdustalley


    Here's some examples, these are 1/4" routers: these are 1/2" routers: Thoose are 4...
  20. sawdustalley

    new workshop - advice please

    20x30 feet i'm guessing, thats a good size. Don't quote me on this, but I seem to remember reading that if its built from bricks/blocks it counts as a permenant structure, so wood is temporary - you can make it as big as you like too - as long as the height isn't over X meters. As I said...