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  1. sawdustalley

    NEW - Dewalt D27400 Heavy Duty Site Saw

    Hey dont forget, he posted one about a planer/thicknesser too :lol:
  2. sawdustalley

    Storing of router bits.

    Here is another router bit box :wink: (Unlike charley, I dont take mine to bed with me :P ) ... /index.php It is nice to build a nice box to house your new bits in I think, keeps them all in one place and handy for when you need them.
  3. sawdustalley

    what to buy!

    Please keep on topic.
  4. sawdustalley

    what would happen if.......

    if you put 0/00 - hey you can get it for free!? :lol:
  5. sawdustalley

    Table Saw

    I think he means like a Beismyser aftermarket fence and then track that the fence runs along. if you only have a B&Q saw, I wouldn't imagine you will want to spend serveral hundred pound on an aftermarket fence system.
  6. sawdustalley

    veneer went wrong :(

    Could be moisture? Maybe you did not wait long enough once applying the contact cement. You are meant to leave it till it becomes just tacky - but dry. Did you apply it to both surfaces are you are suppost to?
  7. sawdustalley

    Masks?? what do you wear

    I use disposable valved ones most of the time (P2 at least). Either the 3M or the axminster ones, made by some company I have found to be good. These are usually aound £2-3 each, but are cheaper when you buy 10 or 20 of them. Sometimes if i'm doing really rough sawing, or planing which doesnt...
  8. sawdustalley

    Fox Tools

    When I was speaking to delta last, I did raise the unisaw. He told me that it would not comply with EU Regs. They would have to re-design it so it does. If you think about it, they need prototypes, and so on - this can go to 10's of thousands of $. Then there is the taxes, shipping and what...
  9. sawdustalley

    is this a suitable material for a workshop floor?

    I don't think so actually, if its actually supported by the floor. If you want it to be suspended it will need more meat. It isn't really supporting any weight, just bearing it - compression factors here. I maybe would use a double layer of the chipboard under the tools, or even make more of a...
  10. sawdustalley

    router into spindle moulder

    No, a router table is fine for most home woodworkers needs. I found mine a pleasure to build, there are details on my site under how-to. A decently powerful router will often pack the same punch as a small splindle anyhow... :D
  11. sawdustalley

    The Jet Workshop

  12. sawdustalley

    Hardwood dust

    You might want to take a look at a local industrial joinery place. Something fairly large, maybe making windows or conservetarys.
  13. sawdustalley

    Toggle Clamps

    Perform cutters seem fairly decent I agree. I have recently been using a set of cutters from USA from Whiteside Machinery and I am dead impressed. Can't comment on wealden as they never used them.
  14. sawdustalley

    DANGER - Compressed Air

    Yes I was worried of death, that was my first reaction as I have previously been informed about the whole bubble in vein thing, took me the rest of the day to calm down. That has blown my trust (get it :wink: ) right out of the window as far as compressed air goes. What really concerned me, is...
  15. sawdustalley

    Woodworking Which

    No, its just a mention (A TIP one could say). The machine is up to much more than you would first anticipate (when fitted with a decent blade). I even used a quote from a TV program :P You can see the complete review here:
  16. sawdustalley

    Your Next Project?

    Some good projects. At the moment i'm working on a big pine gate for my gran. "Grannys Gate" What have I got planned, hmmm..who knows :?: More tools maybe :wink:
  17. sawdustalley

    Woodworking Which

    When I do my reviews (On SDA or for Magazines) I always try to be as honest as possible. Some of the manufactures will moan, and some will not. For instance, on a recent bandsaw review I did - they didn't like me saying its performance was improved greatly with an after market blade. However...
  18. sawdustalley

    Woodworking Which

    Which already do reviews of things such as Cordless Drills. I agree, its a good idea. As charley said there are many review websites on the net
  19. sawdustalley

    forum gets bigger, more and more on-lookers

    I don't agree either...Much of the time people are actually going against dangerous things, and all hell breaks loose when a D*** blade is mentioned.
  20. sawdustalley

    Materials for insulating/lining a workshop

    I have seen people use OSB before, you might not be keen on the look off it however, very busy and really not meant to look good. You should steer way from MDF or Chipboard, any moisture may ruin them. If I were you, I would probably line the walls with some sort of wood to carry through the...