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  1. sawdustalley

    For sale ....

    The general rule of thumb is YES, but UKWorkshop cannot accept ANY responsibility for anything that goes wrong etc... You do so entirely at your own risk.
  2. sawdustalley

    Wiggly Amp supply to my workshop

    I rekon you should bring an electrician in - he will know what to do best :wink:
  3. sawdustalley

    Professional or amateur

    I'm a hobbyist. Wouldnt like to be doing it every-day I don't think. I can imagine some B****** client wanting a set of 8 chairs made :cry: Although, I have sold projects I made, and also made a few bits of custom furniture for people in the past. If I did do it everyday - my workshop would...
  4. sawdustalley

    Best things about your current workshop!

    adam... You use My Workshop: - Good Lighting - Bright - BIG electric roll up door, which is insulated - Carpet on floor - Very High roof (good when swinging long bits of timber around) - Nice Tools - My "Sawdustalley" sign - Boarded Loftpace
  5. sawdustalley

    Alexander Palace Woodworking Exhibition 20-22 February

    Mafell was there yeah... I think I'll be popping along to Ally Pally. See what I can have a look at...
  6. sawdustalley

    Good stockists of Routers?

    I have used and also - I reccommend them both. They have good choice, and good pricing. (Btw - yes I am linked to them but they are not paying me :( )
  7. sawdustalley

    Workshop heating

    I was working in someones shop a few years back, they had a wood burning stove and no heating. It hardly kept the place warm, the immediate area around it was warm though - it smells nice, and its a great way to get rid of the off-cuts, when I have a bigger workshop, I might consider one.
  8. sawdustalley

    Workshop heating

    I use fan heaters. Takes a while to warm up, I probably could do with an upgrade - however once it is warm it stays warm. The main door is electric roll up one, which keeps the rain and wind out - it is also insulated.
  9. sawdustalley

    Drum Sander Jig

    Or you could just clamp it on when you need it like I do.
  10. sawdustalley

    Glue brushes, spreaders etc.

    I just had a look, found these - only 99p for 6 (So I might order 10 packs) Its then £3 for delivery - so still cheaper than rutlands (Basically £13 for 60 brushes) ... _Code=GLUE
  11. sawdustalley

    Great British Woodshop - What do you think now?

    I have watched most, if not all of the episodes so far - I must admit after first enjoying it, I am now getting bored of it, sure the presenting is good, but some of the "not so good programs" have so much more interesting projects such as Smith and Sweetman and Cutting edge woodworker. I...
  12. sawdustalley

    Should the magazines......

    I have never used any record stuff however, I heard that the blue (select) stuff is like ferm/draper/JCB/powerdevil (Cheap imports from china) However, I remember someone saying the green record power stuff is of very good quality. Just thought I would point out also, that the other big...
  13. sawdustalley

    Dowelmax Dowel Jig

    YES - that jig is fantastic, a little pricey. Hopefully soon they will put it onto the UK market. Really useful! If you like, you can read my review here:
  14. sawdustalley

    Glue brushes, spreaders etc.

    Yes Rutlands sell some - you get 48 brushes for £13 - so it costs around 40p per brush. I almost ordered some the other day, got to the till and they wanted me to pay £5 for delivery (I can understand something like a mortiser - but a pack of brushes cant weigh that much - bet I could get them...
  15. sawdustalley

    Book Now!!! (and it's free)

    They look good, wonder if they are worth the drive/train - is there a train station in walking distance of homewood?
  16. sawdustalley

    Workshop Security

    Mine still work - dont think dust is a problem really.
  17. sawdustalley

    Workshop Security

    This is an interesting one, when you actually sit down and roughly add up all the various costs of your tools - hand, power and machinery (of course the other accesories *bessey clamps*) - if your anything like me, it will be quite a heavy figure. It would be interesting to find out what sort...
  18. sawdustalley

    Cheap Trend T5

    I agree. The T5 can't be compared. I've never used a T9 - Wanna try it out. ON topic: Trend's T3 is also identical to many other routers, but costs ALOT more, for example the smaller Ferm router - costs around £20 ? I had that as my first router - very good little machine, wish I hadn't sold...
  19. sawdustalley

    Advise on a Router table please

    the one thing that strikes me on the wood-rat is the fact that you cant pur really long bits of timber, say I was a joiner making a full size door - that could be tricky. :?:
  20. sawdustalley

    Approx cost of beech for a bench top?

    you could do what I did, and buy some maple or beech kitchen workshop - its aready nice and flat, glued up etc.. not sure if it would work out cheaper