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  1. neilc

    Forum users' Table saws

    Delta unisaw 36-831 with Biesemeyer fence. Neil
  2. neilc

    Router Bit for Cutting T-Bolt Slots

    This is the actual link here for the complete hardware kit but if you search the site you can get what you need indivually also. Neil
  3. neilc

    Norms Poker Table

    Just to let everyone know that offer is now fully subscribed. Neil.
  4. neilc

    Norms Poker Table

    I received the dvd and plan in the post yesterday from the new series in the US :D . I'm very impressed with the dvd. Its layed out very well with chapters for the different sections of the build. Including sponsor adds at the end it runs for about 27 minutes. I don't think it'll be my next...
  5. neilc

    My first Windsor Chair - Now with added WIPs

    Very very nice. Really enjoyed the WIP pictures. Well done. neilc
  6. neilc

    Observations on Norm....

    At the moment they're showing season one on H&L extra every morning. Now I'm a big Norm fan but I can't believe how dangerous his work practices were back then in the early days of the show. neilc
  7. neilc

    Advice please - Adjusting Elektra Beckum planer/thicknesser

    I had the same problem but it was the belt in my case. You could carefully run a test piece with the guard off the belt section to see is the belt slipping. The belts do give problems as can be seen here. Hope this helps. neilc PS yours is the same as the above thread with a different badge.
  8. neilc

    room divider

    Not everyones cup of tea but have a look here. It can be made with as many panels as you like. neilc
  9. neilc

    Rust removal and prevention

    Well lads can't thank everyone enough for all the advice. I just spent the last 2 hours ROSing the top with webrax. A bit of a messy job, a lot of black gunk came off, but I can't believe it, every stain is gone :D . Its like new again which I didn't think was possible. I've cleaned the top a...
  10. neilc

    Rust removal and prevention

    Thanks for all the really quick advice guys. Noel, what grit is the Webrax green, sounds promising. I think i would be afraid to go at it with 320 grit paper, as there is a possibility of creating hollows on the table. FelderMan, what actually is wonder wheels I've never heard of this product...
  11. neilc

    Rust removal and prevention

    I realised a dream back in October when I imported a unisaw from the States (model 36-831). As it is my first cast iron tool I didn't realise how high maintenance the table is. My workshop is quite damp as its one of them metal sheds with no insulation. Anyway I'm fighting a losing battle with...
  12. neilc


    Yeah I have made quite a lot of his stuff. Examples. Shaker bookcase Tall case oak clock Wine unit Router table Adirondack loveseat Adirondack chairs Patio table Computer desk Medicine cabinet I'm in for planning permission at the moment and if successful the kitchen island from the current...
  13. neilc

    Season 18 New Yankee Workshop

    As mentioned above they have been on early this week, the last one at 5.30 tomorrow morning. I was really impressed with the kitchen island one. For anyone without sky+ they will be showing the last 3 again from next Monday during the normal afternoon slot. neilc
  14. neilc

    New Season of NYW

    Ya couldn't make this up, we had a power cut today so my sky+ only got the second half of the show :( . Can't decide whether to watch the second half now or get up early before work tomorrow for the complete 5.30 showing. What do ye think. neilc
  15. neilc

    New Season of NYW

    Last years season launch was also very low key which is strange considering how popular the show is. We'll all just have to wait and see till tomorrow. I've set the sky+ anyway. neilc
  16. neilc

    New Season of NYW

    2pm not 6.30am. The listings on sky still describe the new season. neilc
  17. neilc

    New Season of NYW

    Okay I know season 18 is due to go out in the States soon but this is the first chance to see season 17 over here. :D neilc
  18. neilc

    New Season of NYW

    Sorry if this has already been mentioned but the new season is starting on Monday at 2pm on Discovery RT. :D. Don't forget to set the sky+. neilc
  19. neilc

    planer thickness question

    I picked up a couple of new belts today. Seems to have done the trick, for the first time in nearly a year I'm getting timber out the other side without having to use a push stick. It's unbelievable how much the old belt stretched when compared up against the new one. Thanks to everyone who...
  20. neilc

    planer thickness question

    I wish!!!. I've learned the hard way to wait and spend my hard earned dosh on decent kit (this thread being the perfect example) but I don't think I'd get away with getting them anytime soon. I just imported the famous unisaw from the States a couple of months ago :D (but thats a topic for...