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  1. N

    Wood from a Hankerchief tree ?? No connection with this premium seller but some information here on the tree.
  2. N

    How much power do I need?

    Thank you everyone, good food for thought. The lathes sizes I have been looking at seem to be between a 0.5 hp and almost 2 hp. Looked at a lovely variable speed lathe this am at local dealer which is 1.75Hp with PWM driven variable speed which seems to have great torque at low and high speeds...
  3. N

    How much power do I need?

    Thanks that is useful information put in a way I had not thought of in that way. I drill pen blanks on my drill press which is 720w I think. I had not thought of that comparison.
  4. N

    How much power do I need?

    I have a 'mini' lathe which I do pen blanks on. It is 1/2HP is is obviously massively over powered for what I use it for. I am looking now to buy bigger lathe and wondering how much power I need to deal with what I plan to use it for. I don't have a huge interest in any massive bowls or...
  5. N

    Another wood identification puzzle

    much under rated wood
  6. N

    Compound mitre saw

    never regretted buying my Kapex and have both the van folding stand and the MFT stand for it now. It is accurate and the best bit for me is the dust extraction.
  7. N

    Extractor run length

    my day job is as a particle technologies dealing with particles and airflows for industry. In this situation I would move the extractor to the tool, maximise the diameter of pipe, minimise the length and avoid any bends. A 1m hose straight to tool with extractor on wheels is a far better...
  8. N

    Mid range/budget chisels

    I always liked the older Footprint chisels (natural wood handles, painted black / yellow wood handles or plastic (red and blue I think)). Quality is top flight 'Sheffield steel' but prices is less than Marples. I would buy less chisels but better quality, I find you only need a few sizes...
  9. N

    Ronseal High Performance Wood Filler.

    I bought one can last summer and it was like this. It did the job well but was left with a feeling I had been conned as it is not cheap, you open it up and there is less than you were expecting!
  10. N

    Sanding block for disc papers

    I use one of these (5") which matches my sandpaper stock / sanders. Nice and comfortable but I think I got mine from China eBay for about £4! As at the time I could find no UK stock. Not expensive, simple and effective.
  11. N

    Neighbour's circular saw accident

    No different to driving a car
  12. N

    Dust rant

    I am not a fan of TV in general but had caught this and it really got to me. I thought I was being over sensitive. I understand the artistic 'argument' but my whole working life is in powders / dusts / filters etc as a particle technologist. It just sends out completely the wrong message...
  13. N

    Neighbour's circular saw accident

    I take the view that many of these tools can be dangerous, so some I never use as I have not had the proper training (chainsaw in particular). It would be great to use one I am sure but without proper training best avoided. I would add number 5. 1. Am I tired? 2. Am I distracted? 3. Can I...
  14. N

    Anyone used Ohishi and/or king 10k stones?

    I have a Toishi-Ohishi 10000 as part of a combination stone (3000 / 10000) and cannot fault these stones, by far the best range of waterstones I have tried. I bought them as they are stocked locally. Have tried several cheaper ones over the years but these were superior in every way. I can just...
  15. N

    Pocket jig opinions

    I bought the UJK one with all the trimmings and to be honest it is one of the few bits of kit I haven't got on with. Not used pocket holes before and this doesn't seem to work for me. The jig seems to be eating itself :( Not sure if it is my technique, the drill bit or the jig but it ain't...
  16. N

    My new push sticks. If you’re using a table saw you need these!

    It is okay I don't own any gravity heels, I just use push sticks, but people do use them and keep buying more! I find things like this incompatible with my saw guide / riving knife which stays on my 'bench saw'.
  17. N

    My new push sticks. If you’re using a table saw you need these!

    I have always told people plastic push sticks are just templates and should not be used! It is a great first project for someone just trying woodworking for the first time to make a wood copy. Similarly grr ripper gravity heels, a plastic template to be bought once!
  18. N

    buying hand planes

    I would start with a 4 1/2 and a 5 1/2. The advantage of these is that they take the same blade. If / when you want a 7 (and it is not an essential purchase straight off but great fun) then this also takes the same blade. Record might save a few quid over Stanley. Not much difference in my book...
  19. N

    Apron or Dustcoat?

    I settled on both a heavy duty waxed canvas apron (Katz Moses) and a full length eather Apron (Connoley of Sheffield I think it is called). I bounce between the two depending on what I do. The former is heavy duty, practical and well thought out. The latter surprisingly supple and moveable. I...
  20. N

    Clifton needs to make a router plane

    I would be interest in a UK made router plane. Supply from US is severely restricted atm. Whether from Clifton or Droogs I don't mind and I favour a 'Preston' model as LN / Verita have the 71 style covered.