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  1. N

    Is Festool the King of Dust?

    I am a particle technologist by 'profession' so dust is my number one buying consideration, followed by noise. I have had a decent variety of kit over the years but have ended up with Festool as my preference largely because of dust collection. We know sanders / track saw / routers etc produce...
  2. N

    Shinto Rasps

    I have both versions (from G and S Penrith) and love them. They can be very aggressive if you haven't used one before but you soon get used to it. I am a big fan of the saw rasps. I turn to these before by Narex rasps though I do love a good hand stitched rasp...Shintos are recommended.
  3. N

    Geiger Muller counter recomendations

    Coatings an also be radioactive. The levels i have generally seen have not been significant however. Is the information going to change what you do? Microscopes are similarly effected, some very old. The 'postal people' often detect these lenses on international shipments but levels are tiny and...
  4. N

    T bar clamp coupler?

    Bessey clamp extension work very well. It is designed from the start and it shows in slick operation rather than a clunky add on. I did a bar joining two Rutland squeeze 300mm clamps once but was not satisfactory so bought some Bessey 600mm to complete job (in a different style to add capability...
  5. N

    Which bench top thicknesser?

    I think there may be an issue with the US Laguna (perhaps not relevant here) but worth waiting until all bugs have been resolved on this new machine. Market does need more spiral cutter machines here though, so will be interesting to see what version from Laguna arrives (and at what price).
  6. N

    Which bench top thicknesser?

    Do you know who makes the one for the Metabo please?
  7. N

    Aldi Bandsaw ( new model) coming soon. Buy it or choose other model

    No I didn't (on purpose). I knew he was there to help if I needed but a big part of this for me was better understanding of the blades / saw interactions perhaps as a jump to a much larger bandsaw at some point in the future. I wanted to learn it myself (research engineer by profession). I am...
  8. N

    Aldi Bandsaw ( new model) coming soon. Buy it or choose other model

    I tried both TuffSaws M42 and Sabre cut in 1/2" inch and felt this size of blade was too much for the saw. It fitted but could not tension as well as I wanted.
  9. N

    Aldi Bandsaw ( new model) coming soon. Buy it or choose other model

    Re my "pile of'TuffSaw blades I have come to the following conclusions on this saw: Top company and service, beautifully packed for transport M42 and 1/2" blades I would not bother with for this band saw (no criticism of TuffSaws here just a limitation of ferrex) 3 tpi really too much for this...
  10. N

    Aldi Bandsaw ( new model) coming soon. Buy it or choose other model

    Agree, i would have expected to have received better service from Aldi than many have received here. Bit disappointing and taken the shine off this purchase.
  11. N

    Aldi Bandsaw ( new model) coming soon. Buy it or choose other model

    Mine appears to be 'square' so guess I am one of the lucky ones . Took a while to fettle however to get things all working correctly (table pin and position, fence, guides, tension etc) but this is what to expect on all these machines as part of set up however. Table extension still needs...
  12. N

    Aldi Bandsaw ( new model) coming soon. Buy it or choose other model

    First batch of saw blades here. Not tried them yet obviously but have to say faultless transaction. P and P seems especially reasonable and here fast. Quality seems excellent to the touch (seams / sharpness etc). Got to say Tuffsaws has impressed even if XDP did not! PS Sorry if i caused them...
  13. N

    Aldi Bandsaw ( new model) coming soon. Buy it or choose other model

    The worlds grumpiest delivery driver just turned up with this! Due 26th, delivered 30th with no help on app! At least it made it before the saw blades (which are on route).
  14. N

    Aldi Bandsaw ( new model) coming soon. Buy it or choose other model

    Now over due and xdp app and generally tracking services are truly terrible.
  15. N

    Aldi Bandsaw ( new model) coming soon. Buy it or choose other model

    Thanks PerryGunn, I was aware of the challenges the M42 material but the reason for my order was really to try these things for myself (research engineer by profession :)) but as you see I recommended the Super for others here but your point is excellent advice.
  16. N

    Aldi Bandsaw ( new model) coming soon. Buy it or choose other model

    I have bought a selection to try out the company (5) but a good starting point might be 1/4" 6 tpi and a 3/8" 3 or 4 tpi Supertuff Premium. I am trying M42 also and Sabrecut also as well as 1/2".
  17. N

    Aldi Bandsaw ( new model) coming soon. Buy it or choose other model

    Tuff saw blade order placed :) First time I have used this company but have heard nothing but good things beforehand
  18. N

    Aldi Bandsaw ( new model) coming soon. Buy it or choose other model

    Thanks for trying, the first to receive the saw please shout out the saw blade length!
  19. N

    Aldi Bandsaw ( new model) coming soon. Buy it or choose other model

    Got mine dispatch notice also :) I hope it comes quickly!