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  1. N

    Moxon vice cost?

    Threaded rod, washers and bolts (M20?) are cheap and readible available locally (washer 18p, nut 36p and threaded rod £6.90 for 1m. Prices from local builder merchant yesterday. Handles to fit are the bits that cost the most....Just be aware threaded rod might be different to ACME threads on...
  2. N

    Festool saw with 3rd party track

    anyone ever done a review looking at the quality of rails? I don't mean compatibility but say is the Festool better than a similar cheaper one?
  3. N

    UK Benchdogs on a traditional Bench

    I have wasted so many hours on this problem....:) I would be interested in other devices that can do both quickly...
  4. N

    Festool track saw with scoring blade

    Looked at this saw and it has changed many things over TS55s, I have had my 55 for more than a decade and every variant was a small tweak, this is a major change. I was impressed by what it does. Will I buy one, probably not as my 55 does all I need atm but they are still innovating.
  5. N

    UK Benchdogs on a traditional Bench

    I have been through this recently myself and now have a 19mm / 3/4" and a 20mm system according to my benches. I did want one system but they just do different things. The one exception was a Hongdui clamp (looks a bit like a Veritas version but much better) that can quickly bounce between 20mm...
  6. N

    Dowel jig

    I have an old Record, a couple of chinese and JessEm. The Record is decent (useful for imperial and metric). The chinese ones I have are good (no complaints) but the Jessem is in a different league. I have the full set of 6mm, 8mm, 10mm and 12 mm. 5mm may also be a useful size for people (shelf...
  7. N

    Bad buying decisions or tool regrets

    Cheap band saws are my down fall still and I am still learning the lesson. I have many bad experiences with the old Axminster white range, truly terrible stuff and in fact it is a company I will no longer deal with due to customer service (after 30years as a loyal customer). Re hand tools got it...
  8. N

    New (old) honing guide

    The Veritas unit is very nicely made and cheap, though originals are third of that!
  9. N

    Single most useful tool in your shop

    Probably a work bench, but I feel it should be a pice of safety equipment like respirator / ear defender or even a push stick.
  10. N

    Stain Medite MR MDF black

    any one else tried this? I can't get coloured MDF locally but have MR MDF (green) but fancy black...:)
  11. N

    Buffing kits

    I think I paid £70 at my local dealer for my Chestnut kit, Excellent quality and no regrets.
  12. N


    I like and use Jessem feather boards (single and double) and their clear guides as well as the build in CMS feather board. All work very well. I would also look at the Bow foam ones.
  13. N

    Which woodworking YouTube channels do you watch?

    most covered already but like: Stavros Gakos The Woodgrafter (seems to have given up) Jay Bates Stumpy nubs New Brit Workshop Pask Makes Graham Blackburn RenaissanceWW (Renaissance Woodworker) Wood by Wright Wood and Shop Kings Fine Woodworking do get really fed up with YouTube overdoses of...
  14. N

    Magnetic light for lathing

    I have a Gloforce and it works fine though battery life isn't the longest. Also have two Charnwood LED lights but as others have said the curved surfaces of lathes cause a few challenges for these lights in general. DIY is an excellent option but I might investigate a floor standing reading...
  15. N

    Handheld vertical drilling - Jig, press or other?

    Router idea excellent, this is also good value: i bought one recently as cheap and in wrong packaging. It seem great in use and will not break the bank.
  16. N

    Harrogate woodworking show

    we were all hollowing one handed....
  17. N

    HPLV or LPHV for CNC / Table saw

    Can I suggest you look at the problem slightly differently. The dual extractor ideas above are good here but rather than buying a new unit just yet to replace the Camvac, try sealing up some of the 'holes' underneath the table saw. You could do this with gaffer tape initially. This is to limit...
  18. N

    Harrogate woodworking show

    Robert Sorby had a great gentleman demonstrating their SteadyPro with the new Trac micro adjuster. Each time he got half through the demo and handed over to people to have a go, he sold hundreds like that... very good way for sales and knowledge. I am now the proud owner....
  19. N

    Anyone using a Faithfull No 7, good or avoid

    I can't comment on the Faithful 7 but have a LN and Stanley and both work well. Record 7 on eBay atm at £80 with no bids, decent looking and finishes in next few hours. Even though i have a plane obsession (hundreds here and want to start making some my own shortly), I don't often use a 7 or 8...
  20. N

    Another dust extraction question

    Hooked on wood did a nice YouTube video recently on his solution based on CanVac which is worth a watch. I use two CamVacs now for my bigger machines.