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  1. O

    Freedom of speech...

    The problem is certainly a complex one. One could take the example of people who believe the earth is flat, this is provable as a lie using any number of simple or more complex methods available to us. However, I still think they should be able to say the earth is flat if they want to. There...
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    Freedom of speech...

    Indeed, who fact checks the fact checkers ? It could fairly quickly become a situation where an AI fact checker ends up deciding the acceptable truth by checking with a different AI which has previously learned the truth from a biased data set fed to it by a third AI etc. etc. This could end up...
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    Freedom of speech...

    Do we not need freedom of speech to effectively find out if something is a lie ? We are free to lie but equally free to be called a liar. Much of what is discussed and argued over by us crazy humans is based on belief and opinion which could easily be classed as lies. I still think we should...
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    Freedom of speech...

    Freedom of speech is important otherwise honest communication cannot happen. If we cannot discuss a subject because it might offend someone then we have very little chance of getting to a conclusion that makes any sense. Fear of being shunned by your peers is a strong force and I think it leads...
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    Breaking down large sheets on MFT

    Been using a pair as a temporary workbench for a couple of months on site. Made a table from some 45x95 cls and 18mm OSB. Solid as a rock.
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    Breaking down large sheets on MFT

    I found the best ones by quite a way are the Metabo version. Cheaper than the Bora or the Toughbuilt yet has all the features of the top of the range Toughbuilt ones and nicer build quality as well. I got a pair for £100, excellent things. A couple of things not on other versions are the holes...
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    Breaking down large sheets on MFT

    Couple of battens on the floor and a track saw, much easier with full sheets than lifting them up and balancing them on a bench.
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    Double garage heating

    I have been working in an unheated church fixing some windows for the last couple of months. As you can imagine it is impossible to keep the entire place warm, especially once you take out a 3 metre high window. So, in order not to completely freeze I bought a couple of infra red heaters which...
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    If Carlsberg Made Table Saws

    If only I had the space for it. edit @Spectric we must have ben typing simultaniously.
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    Window Board Secret Fixing

    Use a t slot cutter to put a few of slots in the board from the back edge to about three quarters of its width. Do a small test bit to the same depth. Mark the positions on the substrate and install some pan head screws in line with the slots using appropriate plugs or whatever, 2 per slot...
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    Steamy bathroom

    Ok, makes a bit more sense in that context, is it because there is no window with accompanying trickle vent in there ?
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    Putty and paint advice for sash windows

    Pull out the putty and replace with a hybrid polymer, paintable next day. Did you dust the putty properly with whiting or plaster ? Sounds like the putty may have been too oily to begin with. I suspect you might need a really good adhesion primer under the farrow and balls waterbased, I...
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    Steamy bathroom

    This is crazy, I wonder how this works with other regs like fire spread prevention, intumescent strips etc. I swear they are just randomly generating regulations to confuse us and be as awkward as possible.
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    Wanted Single Festool connectors for son’s school A-Level project

    I would be surprised if Festool wouldn`t send you a couple out as samples if you gave them a call. They sent me a couple ages ago and I didn`t ask them, just a promo I guess.
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    Steamy bathroom

    We recently had an inspection done regarding damp issues at our house ( a long and annoying saga ) and the guy tested our bathroom extractor with a sort of box thing he put over it with what I presume was an anemometer in it. Our fan was working at about half its original rating, possibly due to...
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    Bathroom floor vinyl click flooring

    Thanks everyone, looks like the way to go.
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    Bathroom floor vinyl click flooring

    This is a good vote of confidence. Thanks
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    Bathroom floor vinyl click flooring

    Hi everyone We have had a random bathroom incident. We were just sitting downstairs when it sounded like a bomb went off upstairs. Turns out the screen on the bath has managed to fall off its mounting pivot scrape a hole in the plaster, crack the toilet cistern, make a hole in the bath tub and...
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    Spindle tooling advice

    very easily. I agree that you should just buy the ones you need for the job in hand, gradually you get more as you need them. Unless you can find a joiner selling up and buy a job lot.
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    Catch for "cupboard" door for exterior use

    For outside hardware look at chandlery suppliers, they often have nifty ideas for use on boats.