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  1. O

    Online Safety Act

    Things like this are heartbreaking and clearly "social media" like instagram and tiktok are attempting to turn us all into zombies by tiny repeated dopamine hits. Studys have shown the mental health of children and teens has fallen dramatically since the ubiquity of the smartphone in high school...
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    Unusual paint sprayer question

    I am thinking you could contact someone like Sames Kremlin, they make air assisted airless sprayers but will also outfit full on robot controlled production lines with spray equipment and dosing certain amounts etc. I suggest they, or a similar company will be able to supply a products which...
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    Gen Z and DiY

    I don`t know if it is generational, I know people from various generations who don`t know which end of a hammer to hold and have no inclination to find out. I think some people are drawn to building things and finding out how things work and others aren`t. Just how we are wired.
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    Online Safety Act

    I agree with Akirk that a forum like this is going to be largely left alone. If everyone on here agrees to the terms that should be the end of it. I do think online safety bill is possibly more about controlling dissent and opinion in the guise of protecting people. It seems to me that really...
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    Machinist Tool Chest

    This is really nice, machinists chests can be bought for cheap but not this machinists chest. It is not the cost that matters but the satisfaction in doing good work.
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    Internal doors from scratch!

    I really would not suggest you use any kind of 4 x 2 from a builders yard, it will be knotty, not dry and probably bend like a banana. For internal doors tulipwood (poplar) is a good bet, it is smooth, machines really well and takes paint very nicely, unsorted or "joinery grade" redwood is ok...
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    Sharpening for beginners

    Do not dispair, there has to be a reason it is not working. The 8000 grit is basically just polishing to a very shiny finish like a strop. The grey is the steel so it sounds like it is working ok. The jumps between your grits are a bit big to be fair. I use Norton waterstones and the coarse...
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    HEPA Air purifier(s) for fine dust

    I have the record power one and it does work well to a point. The filters work fine but after a while I noticed fine dust at the back of the machine which it was obviously missing. I tape a tack cloth over the back vent to catch this fine dust. I have also improved its filtration by adding some...
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    Sold 230V Fein Multimaster FMM250Q

    I would like this, mine has been damaged. I would need it posting though I will send a PM with details. Ollie
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    Sharpening for beginners

    Make sure you get a burr or wire edge at each grit before moving on to the next. This burr "proves" that you have got all the way to the point. If you move on to a higher grit while still having a blunt point it will take hours to get there. Normally you will be spending the most time on the...
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    Freedom of speech...

    This sounds like a pretty mad law. Surely the Bible, Quran, Torah and many other publications could be put in that catagory.
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    Freedom of speech...

    Thinking about this, I still think there is a clear separation between the ideas in the books and the actions. I don`t think Marx was directly responsible for what the various attempts at implementing communism did. He wrote his manifesto laying out his ideas Everyone was free to read it, most...
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    portable chisel storage

    Having tried most methods I have mine inside my hand tool systainer where they basically sit in holes upright for easy grabbing. This is what fits in there. It is funny looking at this now, this picture is from 2014 when I made the insert, I still use it daily and all the tools look much...
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    Hand Tool Cabinet Build - Finally Completed

    This looks great, I hope you have left enough room for er... futrure expansion.
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    I just buy a big tub of the yellow 3m foam ones every few years. As a glasses wearer I dont like the over ear ones as they squish against my ears and the arms of the glasses. Why not try some cheap chinese noise cancelling earbuds I notice Festool are even doing some now (obviously not cheap)...
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    Freedom of speech...

    Has it? Yes, it was brought up in an interview I watched with Andrew Doyle. I forget the actual name of the studies etc. You can`t blame the Sun or Daily mail if one of their readers decides to do something violent because of a story in the paper. As far as I'm aware, nobody said that...
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    Freedom of speech...

    The thing is it has been long accepted that there is no direct link between the things said and the actual violence commited. This is the same flawed argument that was used by people saying violent video games would make everyone murderers. The responsibility for the violence or rioting or...
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    Freedom of speech...

    Just to add, in a totally non political way. Truth is defined as a fact or actuality, a proven statement. I hear people use phrases like "my truth" which is a nonsense and actually means "my opinion" or "what I would prefer to believe against all evidence ". With this sort of wooly thinking...
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    Freedom of speech...

    Sorry, I was just using him as an example because he was mentioned previously. Did not know he was banned speech :ROFLMAO:
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    Freedom of speech...

    Why did Trump believe people were munching dogs ? Did he just make it up ? Did someone tell him ? If someone told him then who and why, what were the motivations ? Maybe someone did eat a dog, there are plenty of hungry homeless people and numerous proper nutters around. I am not sure there...