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  1. O

    Laser levels

    I have a bosch green laser one, it is very handy for some things. It has a plumb function which projects a dot above and below it, this is very handy indeed for lining up things on the ceiling. I don't get it out for everything when a simple level will do but sometimes its perfect. I had a job...
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    Dust extraction - flex hose. Smooth vs normal

    Certain vacuum manufacturers have pipes of increasing diameter towards the motor end (Sebo is one) which it is claimed aids suction. A large bore moves more air but given the same sucton a smaller pipe will flow faster, I think. I am obviously not a scientist. Ollie
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    Dust extraction - flex hose. Smooth vs normal

    If you do it right it could create a velocity stack effect.
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    second hand spindle moulder

    You are correct but a tenoner is an additional couple of grand minimum plus tooling, and it takes up space. I do wish mine had a tilting function. Ollie
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    torsion boxes, why no triangles?

    I would agree probably dificult to make, but more to the point the extra strength provided by triangles is probably not worth the effort in a woodworking situation. I could be wrong but I thought purpose of using a torsion box method ( a grid of equal thickness strips with a skin either side )...
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    second hand spindle moulder

    I have a baby sized Record power one, 3.5 hp. It has coped with all I can throw at it, just. I do alot of sash windows, casements, french doors, panelled doors etc.mostly heritage type stuff. I have a Comatic power feed and consider this essential for safety and consistancy of finish, especially...
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    Draper cordless, whats your opinion

    They are probably perfectly adequate for purpose but unlikely to be as good as the better larger brands offerings. One factor to remember is continuity of the platform, for example Festool promise 10 years parts support minimum, I have 15 year old Makita LXT 18v stuff that will use the batteries...
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    How Much Does Woodworking Cost?

    Good strategy.
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    Oak beams

    Hewins Oak have pretty much every type, size, dryness etc of Oak you could want. Check the regulations from Hetas if you are actually having a fire in there. You need to have it surprisingly far up if it's wood. I was going to install one for someone but we decided against it because it would...
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    Scotland NHS ban Desflurane Anesthetic….why should you care? You should.

    I agree with you on this entirely, I am fairly certain the amount of global warming caused is minimal in comparison to many less important but more profitable things. It looks like another case of green madness. This is a clear case of benefit outweighing cost. Many industries just pay farmers...
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    Table saw with scoring blade

    Try Scott and Sargeant and MJM they both do new and used machines. I think maybe the description of what you want is a cabinet saw. When you say you don`t want a panel saw do you mean a wall saw or just a giant table saw with a sliding arm? Only because the descriptions can get murky and...
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    Luxury sharpening

    Interesting, I will see if I can find some of the finer grits. When I contacted them regarding a spare part a few tears ago they stated they weren't supporting markets outside the USA. Hopefully they have fixed this. However, it might be that they might not support that particular product as...
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    Luxury sharpening

    I don't have either but have considered both. I would recommend the workshop 3000 I have but the company no longer supports European markets ( its a US company) so its hard to get the abrasives. Its a shame as it was about half the price of the other options you mention. I wonder if at the...
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    Startrite 275 table saw question - Newbie

    I have one like that, it looks almost exactly the same but the part that's extended on yours finishes where it bolts to the round bar. I guess it was optional. I think you could cut it off and file the end nicely. As an owner of one of these, I highly recommend you get an overhead crown guard...
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    Finishing brass with?

    Maybe Renaissance wax, they use it in museums and stuff for preserving all sorts of things. I personally dislike any laquer on brass it will always crack and then tarnish unevenly, or as you say look like plastic. I have seen all sorts on new "nano" and ceramic coatings used on car paintwork...
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    Festool Exoskeleton

    I think it could be great for some of the people @mwinfrance mentions. Maybe you should sign up to the test and let some of them have a go on it. It is quite a sad situation that because something is a medical device or used in the care industry it has to be excruciatingly expensive. Obvously...
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    Festool Exoskeleton

    Well, now it looks like we can become festool powered cyborgs. The future is clearly now ! I nearly spat out my coffee, then checked if it was April 1st. However, upon looking at it I thought it might be helpful for people with...
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    Quiet Shop Vac?

    Earplugs are the way forward ! then they are all fairly quiet. More seriously though my festool 26 with a dust deputy is very much quieter than any of the previous vacuums I have had, second is the good old Henry followed by Nilfisk, all the cheapo ones have been amazingly loud. The trouble is...
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    Festool table saw TKS 80 EBS 230v

    This is so true, a proper rip blade is miles better than a universal. I might be an outlier here but I very rarely do anything except rip cuts on the table saw, most crosscuts are done on the mitre saw which is easier and better for the job in my opinion. Sheet goods get done with a track saw...
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    What sealant should be used before tiling?

    You don`t say what the wall is made of. If plasterboard you will need hardibacker or something really, ideally replace the plasterboard entirely with a cement board. If its brick and block then tanking is best. Last time I did one I did tanking slurry first, then hardibacker 6mm because the...