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  1. O

    Scaffold board workshop

    I understand your wish to recycle and re-use stuff as much as possible, was thinking about the scaffold boards and the many different sheds I have built. I would use the scaffold boards as a framework making corner posts, joists etc from them, this way you use a lot less and can get the...
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    Should we have a CNC Forum on UKW?

    I voted yes, because it can get pretty technical so people not interested can more easily ignore it. I am a cnc user and a fan on general. I agree with @paulrbarnard above, I just look at the new posts bit to see anything interesting or that I can answer .
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    Scaffold board workshop

    Good plan
  4. O

    New Workshop - Down Lighters or Light Fittings

    Lots of led strip lights/ battens is what I would go for ( and have gone for) they are pretty cheap so just get loads. Downlighters will produce shadows. Many diffuse sources are best . Also a whiter light is much nicer for actually seeing what you are doing so over 4000k certainly. Ollie
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    Scaffold board workshop

    This could work, but it might not be the best way. I assembled a log cabin with 44mm wide timbers for my Mum years ago. I wouldn`t build a workshop like it given the choice. They actually have a sort of double tongue and groove setup, quite shallow, I suspect its a set of spindle knives that...
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    Planer / Thicknesser delivery

    I picked up my planer from Milton keynes ( it was actually in a different unit up the road from the main office ) they were happy to forklift it into the van for me no problem. They quoted a silly price and would only do "kerbside delivery" through a third party, this is why I elected to pick...
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    CNC Software

    I use a combination of Fusion 360 for more complex 3d stuff and V Carve pro ( because my machine is over 600mm square)for inlays making parts and more simple components etc. For machine control I have UCCNC using an ethernet controller, its similar to mach 3 but still actively supported, cheaper...
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    Bm16 Morticer

    A 12mm chisel is probably OK if its sharp or a 10mm. I prefer the Japanese pattern bits, there is no reason not to do more smaller passes. A good method is helpful, like not plunging in all the way down in each position (imagining a normal mortice being 3 times the chisel width for example)...
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    Bm16 Morticer

    I had one of those, it's not man enough for a big chisel on oak even if its a sharp chisel and auger. Maybe on tulip wood or redwood, just about. A 12mm chisel is as big as I would go on that machine. I sold mine and got a bigger one. Ollie
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    Utility Room Cabinets; raised Washer & Dryer for the elderly

    Some washing machine companies offer stands and brackets to stack the washer/dryer so might be worth investigating that avenue. I would be a bit careful just building a box or whatever from plywood as the machine will move a surprising amount when spinning. I had our tumble drier on top of a...
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    ITA (Initial Teaching Alphabet). Anyone else a victim?

    I am interested to see I am not the only one, I am sure we didn`t do times tables at school either, but people don`t believe me, it felt like schooling when I went was a constant succession of new ideas. My school had fantastic metal and woodworking facilities but we were told everything would...
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    Thicknessing wood on the bandsaw

    It can be done in smaller bits quite well, a good blade is very important but still can wander a bit it won`t be a reference face as such, still sawn. I do it when I am trying to really maximise every bit of some nice wood. Quick note on the p/t get a bigger one I have the A3-31 and kind of...
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    Exterior door weather bar.

    Not sure that is an exterior grade door at all, unfortunately those above are correct, its dead.
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    Grrrrr...Milwaukee, what a con.

    Trouble is a factory in Europe or the USA has to abide by laws for safety, polution, minimum wage, etc the ccp do not care about any of that so everything is much cheaper. I read something the other day that the Chinese are now outsourcing a bunch of stuff to Africa and India to get even cheaper...
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    Black paint on putty

    I agree but cutting in takes a good bit of practice and a steady hand, some people just can`t do it ( even so called professional decorators ). One thing that will really help with cutting in on window frames is a nice sash brush ( ie round and shaped to a point ) this is really much better in...
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    Grrrrr...Milwaukee, what a con.

    It is hard to find anything not directly made in China or made from parts that are. Its not always a bad sign, they will make it to a spec and quality that is ordered. Of course then they will steal the IP and sell low quality copies in a different colour which is not helpful for anyone...
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    Black paint on putty

    A quick note about the stanley knife type scrapers. I would not recommend them, they are not sharp / thin enough and likely will scratch more than neccessary. Instead use a single edged razor blade in a holder like this thing Stanley Window Scraper | Toolstation I get 100 blades off ebay the...
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    Double glazing bent spacer bars?

    Yep, that is knackered, no way to fix it apart from new units. I have one in my old upvc side door like this It probably is yellow glass on one pane I have had some made like this with ground/etched designs and stuff, though it should make no difference to this problem. If it was a film and...
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    No Plastic - I'm Puzzled

    It won`t melt through it straight away like harsher chemicals but will soften it over time and eventually break it down. I once left some meths in a random pot over the weekend and it had slumped like a jelly and started leaking when I came back on Monday. Plastic is a term for thousands of...
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    No Plastic - I'm Puzzled

    It will melt certain plastics, stuff like random yoghurt pots, hence the warning. Best use a glass jar. Ollie