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  1. O

    Modular Workbenches

    Good idea, looks like it should work well. I am in a position where I put everything on wheels except the tablesaw I would love a big joiners bench but if I put one in then it would jam up the space for actually procesing timber. I have an MFT 3 which I use for assembling but am considering...
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    Advice requested: fitting double-glazing into Georgian windows

    I must be lucky then, I have noticed quality and consistency differences between suppliers, had to stop using one lot as they could not stick the spacer on straight let alone to a templated shape.
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    Advice requested: fitting double-glazing into Georgian windows

    Sounds like someone should start making them here. I would be interested to try some out. Though I am not sure plant on bars are the best way, it is the minimal thickness which is the selling point, ideal for skinny 35mm sashes. I have to disagree with your 5 year statement I have fitted...
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    Advice requested: fitting double-glazing into Georgian windows

    It varies between grades and conservation areas etc. In some cases I have had to submit a demo window to be approved before being allowed to start but that was a full on conservation grade 1 etc. Mostly as long as it looks the same they don't mind. Ollie
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    Advice requested: fitting double-glazing into Georgian windows

    Only if you tell them..... Usually you are ok because you are "repairing and improving" the existing window, because you are not removing the frame it is not classed as a replacement window but a restoration. Ollie
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    Spray Booth Advice

    I built my own extraction cabinet which turns the room its in into a booth. You can buy them but I didn`t want to spend the money so built my own. like these
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    Advice requested: fitting double-glazing into Georgian windows

    You can do it by routering the existing sashes but it is a pain, creates a giant mess and weakens the joinery. The proper way to do this is make new sashes with the same internal moulding but a deeper rebate then put in slim krypton filled low sight line units (6 individual) and glaze with...
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    Titanium hammers?

    I guess the only way is to try one, its whatever you get used to as well. I have an Estwing with a leather handle and use that for everything, it becomes part of your hand almost. For chiselling I have tried the traditional wooden joiners mallet and it just felt like you have to "try" and...
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    Titanium hammers?

    This is a good shout, I had elbow pain and was getting numb fingers but it all stemmed from the fact I have a partially separated shoulder. Went and had a sports massage ( which was torture but worked wonders ) where they found all sorts of tight muscles under my shoulder blade and stuff where I...
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    Festool Vibrating Doodad.

    They are a probably the worlds most annoying noise but they will get you out of trouble and are great at awkward stuff, I would`t be without mine. Ollie
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    Plywood supplies in/to BA11 area?

    There is an Arnold Lavers in Bristol and a Lathams I think. Lavers are normally pretty good on sheet stuff. Try Timbmet as well. Ollie
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    Titanium hammers?

    I am not sure how a lighter hammer would help as you need to hit it harder, applying more force yourself rather than letting the weight do the hitting, thats why I have never got on with wooden mallets. My mate suffered severe elbow problems and got an Estwing weight forward design hammer, it...
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    CNC milling machine expandable bed size

    I would definitely try it out first, I have some concerns about parts of its design and most certainly its value for money. For the same money you could buy a proper machine with a water cooled spindle and a bed width of 1250mm or something and then pull through longer work and do it in sections...
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    Festool Vibrating Doodad.

    The Festool is a version of the Fein supercut so I am not sure how different that is to the Fein Multimaster I have. The Multimaster has really excellent vibration isolation in comparison to the older one it replaced, the outer shell is separated by eurethane mountings from the vibrating part...
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    Painting new made sash windows

    If its new stuff in I normally fully fit the sashes and cut all beads in, including draughtproof grooves in sashes then dissasemble for paint. This way you can paint everything and wont have to shoot anything in after fitting. Use a preservative on any softwood including knotting if needed...
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    CNC Software

    If you download the Vcarve demo it will let you do everything in the program except post a gcode. So you could do a very clear comparison by doing the same project in both. Which is something I have not seen anyone do really. Ollie
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    CNC Software

    The cam is really good in Fusion 360 and is not as scary as it looks. It lets you preview so you can see if you have gone wrong anywhere. However, if you are using the free version they have limited it's speed on rapids and maybe other limitations as well. Ollie
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    Prosecco wall

    Is that what you hit when you have over indulged? As in "I have hit the Prossecco wall"
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    CNC milling machine expandable bed size

    Wall mounted cnc machines are not completely uncommon ( I mean normal 3 axis not Maslow ) often mounted at a slight angle like a wall mounted panel saw. A proper machine with ballscrews or rack and pinion and proper linear guides won`t really care which way up it is, there are advantages with...