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  1. O

    Router table with lift and motor v Router in table with lift

    @Spectric has summed it up pretty well. I have been though many iterations of router table including Trend then a Triton which was slightly better but now I actually have a rutlands motor in a lift, but not the all in one thing you have linked, its basically the same as the AUK one, best thing...
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    Stormproof windows

    I would normally say just chisel in the hinge to close the gap but you will then have a problem with the inner part being too tight. I think I would just put aquamac on the face of the casement lip as well, this will double seal the window and should be pretty easy to do as you are refurbishing...
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    Well that didn’t go as planned.

    Just been doing a few things for some people who have had a fallout with the builder ( he was rubbish to be fair ) all work was supposedly completed. Then a leak through from the new bathroom into the new kitchen. Said rubbish builder had put a screw into a pipe months ago and it had been...
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    Thinking of putting a homemade ‘multifunction’ insert in my workbench. Is this a good idea?

    This is not unheard of. Triton sell an MFT type thing with various optional inserts for router, circular saw etc. Festool used to do them too but I think they stopped doing them now. Instead of dog holes you can get flip up planing stops. I think your plan should work fine. Ollie
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    Clean cutting plywood - that's easy isn't it?

    Yeah, but not much good at cutting out a sink hole in a worktop for example.
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    Morrells best paint for MRMDF colour matched and spraying

    Morrells acid cat is excellent paint it lays out really nicely, dries quick and is super durable. However, it is quite horrible to deal with, you are supposed to have a full air fed respiration system really. You can get away with an ABEK spec mask if you are in a booth. The pre cat is almost as...
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    Ground screw advice needed please

    I built a shed on things a bit like ground screws bit not quite, more like ground nails with a giant washer on them. Found it they are called quickjack QuickJack for Soft Surfaces - Adjustable Height Base | Shed Base Kits They were quite easy to install, you get then near where you want...
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    Cutting Chanel into MFC Advice

    I suspect a compression bit or downcut spiral bit will be best. Ollie
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    Cookie Cut Coffee tables

    Its a great bit of timber, it looks like a map of an imaginary planet or something. I say black for the legs, the top needs no distraction, maybe ebonised Oak or even burnt like shou sugi ban, I would do a matt black in contrast to the super shiny top. Maybe you should make some coasters as well...
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    Want to get back into woodworking, but need space. Help!

    Maybe specialise in something small and more hand tool based, I am thinking stuff like Kumiko patterns, carving, boxes, luthery or other instrument making, other miniature stuff. A lot of things could be done in the aforementioned spare room if mostly human powered. Obviously you can`t really...
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    SmartButt hinges - first impression

    It looks so much neater than the Brusso one, I have used the original smart hinges before and found them excellent so would expect no less with these, nice boxes by the way. Ollie
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    Clean cutting plywood - that's easy isn't it?

    That is a very good idea. It could mount on the front of the saw itself and be engaged with a tilt downwards and locked in position. Cheaper than the festool scoring thingy. Ollie
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    Clean cutting plywood - that's easy isn't it?

    That looks good but I think it makes the saw so long it could cause difficulties, only useful for long cuts.
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    Shaper Origin owners?

    Interesting, I am glad to hear you like the machine and find it worthwile rather than a novelty. I was wondering how it all worked. I have CNC that will cut about 1100mm by 900mm and a new one on order of a slightly bigger size with a 4th axis. The Shaper has interested me since it was first...
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    Shaper Origin owners?

    I don`t have one but I do want one. I just like the idea of being able to put designs on things too big to fit in the regular CNC machine. Fusion 360 is very good software and I much prefer it to sketchup once I got used to it. Do you need to load everything onto the shaper directly as vectors...
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    Clean cutting plywood - that's easy isn't it?

    And some have a little plastic "foot" that runs along the other side of the cut at the front of the blade as well. This gives some support on both parts. Ollie
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    Clean cutting plywood - that's easy isn't it?

    A track saw is the best as it provides pressure downwards on both sides of the cut. Tape will work to a degree. You can make a home made track from thin ply or mdf . If you cut at a very shallow depth first, I mean 2mm or so, this cuts the top veneer at a shallower angle preventing the blade...
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    Any advise on CNC hobby machine

    I have found that many of the youtube videos for vcarve inlays use very odd numbers and can be very confusing. From my experience and some actual testing I carve the female pocket at 5mm flat depth ( how deep the hole is ) , for the male inlay I do start depth 4mm and flat depth 1mm, works...
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    Looking for some info/values/prices etc

    It would be worth £150 I think. Those 2 clamps have to be £10 each. Plus it looks like there is some saw sets to tune up the saws.
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    Downloading images for laser engraving

    @WoodchipWilbur Bit late on this one but just in case it's useful. Look at Vector magic, I use it for the sort of thing you are doing. You can buy the desktop version or subscribe to it for one month at a time, its about 8 quid a month and you can cancel anytime. It is the best method ( I have...