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  1. O

    Advice needed on sanding small items for production

    Well, all machines are different but from memory I think I am cutting at 3metres a minute with 20,000 rpms using a 6mm 2 flute compression bit does this seem anywhere near what you are working with? What you could try is leaving a slight amount of material and do a finish pass of 0.5 to 1mm to...
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    Advice needed on sanding small items for production

    Sounds like a suitable wheel on the bench grinder is the way forward for the sanding. Maybe some of these type of thing Flange flap wheels. I suggest making a sanding holder using the cnc machine, just a negative of the shape you produce, add some way of clamping or gripping it. This will give...
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    Advice needed on sanding small items for production

    Just wondering if you could optimize the toolpath so you need to do less sanding, in the long run this would be the most efficient way to reduce the problem. Are you removing tabs from the cnc routing process ? if so maybe try vacuum workholding or the masking tape and super glue strategy so...
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    Spindle Moulder courses in the UK?

    Not a course but the spindle moulder handbook by Eric Stephenson is a decent start. Making jigs and sub fences is good for safety. I advise a powerfeed. Keep your fingers out of the spinny bit. Ollie
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    Online source for high quality router bits

    Scott and Sargent do a lot of CMT, brilliant quality and often on sale. Also Rennie tool company for solid carbide. Ebay and Amazon is a bit of a lottery. Ollie
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    Most Suitable Jigsaw Blade

    The fine tooth laminate flooring blades are great they cut super clean. The Bosch ones at screwfix are fine. I used these for trimming fibreglass roof trims and they were very good with no tearing or anything. Most of the brands are identical for jigsaw blades i find Dart ones cheap, they often...
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    Spindle Moulder Tooling for Sash Windows

    Definitely get a spindle moulder if you want to make more than about 10 windows. You do not need to get overly fancy with tooling like the Trend system or the other stuff like Omas etc these use big stacks and will need a really big motor. Mostly I use the 30mm moulding cutters in a 30mm steel...
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    New House, New Workshop Build.

    This should be an interesting project, I am quite envious of your position of starting from scratch, you should be able to have all the features you always wanted. Design looks great, can't have enough good light so the rooflights are a good plan. I always think its good to do a 3d model in...
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    Why am I crap at measuring?

    I think it started at the dimension of the body width so the end of the tape was not at zero but at 100mm, something like that.
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    Why am I crap at measuring?

    I know a guy who got a fancy new tape that had measurements including the width of the tape body, for easy internal measurements or whatever. The problem was when he ordered some sashes to be made they were all exactly 100mm out in both directions, I forget if it was bigger or smaller...
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    Stormproof windows

    I was thinking more of a flap type aquamac like the aq21 I put in doors or similar, this is common type in upvc windows as well. These ones would tend to offer less resistance. The range of schlegel seals is quite vast so maybe they offer a seal with just the right size for the gap so little to...
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    CNC Software

    Me too, I have tried it lots of times and have on occasion produce what I needed but each time I hate it. I find Gimp to be a bit better. I also agree with you about paramentric being very useful. Ollie
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    Positioning of undermount runners inside the cabinet

    I have the orange jig for the drawer part which is handy and worth it, from memory (not done any for a bit) I just fitted a set of runners to the drawer and then measured the position from that. I have seen several fancy jigs and stuff but I never do enough to feel like its worth the price of...
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    Air compressor and airbrush

    Just a quick note on this, I was just looking for Aztek airbrush bits on the general internet and it looks like they have discontinued the product after being bought by the parent company of rustoleum paints. So I still think they are a great product but parts look like they will be a problem...
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    Air compressor and airbrush

    The compressor will be fine. I would say the Iwata will be a decent airbrush, they are generally nice quality. However, I must recommend the Aztek airbrushes for a couple of reasons. Firstly you can switch between single and double action, this is convenient as you can do very fine controlled...
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    Help please - engineered flooring problem .

    But with laminate you can see the repeated boards, the same photo repeated. I know some people don`t notice this but my brain can`t not notice it and it does my head in.
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    Help please - engineered flooring problem .

    I noticed the lack of tongue as well, perhaps that is the style of it, if its intended to be glued down. Never seen it myself though apart from occasionly some parquet. Assuming the grey/black stuff is underlay then surely it would not be glued to underlay, a glued floor would be glued to the...
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    Viceless workholding

    I currently don`t have a big proper bench with a vice, due mostly to lack of space. I have the vice from my old bench ready to go but need to build a mini bench for it. I manage fine and you find all sorts of ways to do without a vice but sometimes I do wish I had one. Given the opportunity its...
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    Router table with lift and motor v Router in table with lift

    There is degrees of everything and it depends what you are actually trying to do. I personally would not attempt to build a table around the little machine, if you are going to want a bigger table, better motor, perhaps repeatable indexing fence, etc then I would start with an insert and motor...
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    Router table with lift and motor v Router in table with lift

    Spindle moulders don't go as fast as a router, the bigger cutter heads mean the tip speed is fast at lower rpm. They won't be good for small cutters.