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  1. S

    Router Table Fences - Incra vs Jessem vs?

    No problem, thank you.
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    Router Table Fences - Incra vs Jessem vs?

    Just to update here, Jim emailed me today and I called back and we had a chat... Sadly there are no Incra units till march definitely. So I shall need to make some decisions either on other products or wait to build these windows and other projects I'm dreaming of... If anyone has a set for...
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    Cedar strip canoe - moving swiftly on

    Excellent read!.. A project that I have on my bucket list. Looks like you're doing a fab job - dramas and all! Dads hey!!??... Keep up the good work (y)
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    Router Table Fences - Incra vs Jessem vs?

    @Peter Sefton , Thank you for your response and I fully understand your position. I did note that many items suggested a restock on 5th November so assumed you were waiting on a delivery... With regards the Jessem vs Incra would you mind expanding on why the Jessem gets used more often?. As I...
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    Router Table Fences - Incra vs Jessem vs?

    Hello folks... Been in a quandary recently with regards router tables.. Have some windows I want to build so the time has come when I can justify a table of some sort... Initially I was hoping for a complete one stop shop unit - had initially looked at the Trend , Triton and Axminster offerings...
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    Electric vehicles

    Hello chaps... ( First post) Beautiful cars!! But insane money when converted to that spec... I'd like to convert one of my cars at some point, would be an interesting project(y)