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  1. S

    Triton routers for under a table - Quick TRA query

    Yes, I like this system also - An Incra LS adjuster - looks sooooo easy and quick, especially for repetitive works. Was very tempted to go this way but no stock till march so went with a Jessem set up. May add the LS later next year if I have the work for it (y)
  2. S

    Triton routers for under a table - Quick TRA query

    Yes, I believe it is quite a lump!... Have heard mixed views on that fence... Something you can work around or modify to cure issues?.
  3. S

    MFT-Style Workbench

    Inc - redible Mike!! That ought to do you nicely!!
  4. S

    Workbench Design

    Exciting times! Glad you have it sorted. Thought you were going all violet?..
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    Kitchen Cabinets

    I'm with your missus - not literally!! hehe - one on the left just has a wee bit more interest (y)
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    Big Bargain Bosch saw!!

    Wowzers!!! That was UBER cheap then and a fantastic purchase. I have a Kapex but used one of these on site a while back and was a great bit of kit - proper solid (y)
  7. S

    Triton routers for under a table - Quick TRA query

    To be honest I am not sure if one can remove the spring from the festool - others will know, if not do a google or ask on FOG - as that would obviously help. Beyond that , I'm guessing you set your height then just lock the router in position as you would normally routing so not sure why the...
  8. S

    Festool Domino DF500 £639 inc VAT (now expired)

    Good on you! Did you ring today then and still get the right price?????
  9. S

    Festool Domino DF500 £639 inc VAT (now expired)

    Ummed and arred where I could justify one of these, was at 34 left at this price... Just went on and at 33 but listed back at £729! haha...
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    Kitchen Cabinets

    Just read the whole thread. Bloody brilliant work mate - looks spot on! Always seems such a shame to paint after all that hard work :-)
  11. S

    Festool Domino DF500 £639 inc VAT (now expired)

    Damn good price!.. 44 left now.... hehe.. £108 for the box full of dominos... To be honest, they seem to sell for not far off new on eBay... May lose £100 if sold on after 1 job....
  12. S

    Triton routers for under a table - Quick TRA query

    What is available for Triton money (£219.99) that has independent remote controls included? I’m all ears!..
  13. S

    Router Table Fences - Incra vs Jessem vs?

    Nice solution. I was thinking a cnc’d lump of Delrin would slide nice too. But then wood is generally more accessible and probably lighter 👍
  14. S

    Triton routers for under a table - Quick TRA query

    Thanks. That’s what I was planning if it bugged me...
  15. S

    Triton routers for under a table - Quick TRA query

    Thanks. If I go with this option it would be in the table the whole time or taken out for big stuff if needed. I do some small oak framing projects (4/6”) sometimes and use a combo of my router and chisels for mortises so I guess the TRA would be more suited to that than abusing my OF1400...
  16. S

    Does anyone else dislike routers?

    Whilst I am by no means a router expert what I can tell you is they are easier to use than others I had tried or owned. I believe they are also lighter than some others which just makes them generally feel less unwieldy . The only thing that really bugs me is that the rail attachment spacing...
  17. S

    Triton routers for under a table - Quick TRA query

    I believe one can just wire this out if an issue - won’t cause issue for me.
  18. S

    Triton routers for under a table - Quick TRA query

    Pretty sure I am going to go this direction - though always possible for a last minute swerve!.. My query is this: Is there any reason you would pick the MOF over the TRA for a dedicated under the table option or just get the TRA end of chat?...
  19. S

    Does anyone else dislike routers?

    I apologise now to the OP, but once I'd got my OF1010 I loved them. Such an easy versatile unit. The OF1400 followed shortly after (y)
  20. S

    Planer/Jointer vs Thicknesser, which one should I buy first?

    Where did you find one off them pray tell???? Edit: When I looked the other day I'm sure there was no stock... Just looked now and a couple of places have them! Ha!... Think I'll be making a purchase too then (y)