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  1. Beau

    Fly Tipping

    No it's caused buy this from the OPs post "Humans. Despicable bunch of creatures aren't we?"
  2. Beau

    Outdoor protection for hidden timber

    Try your local farm supplies. Never been asked for any ID when buying it.
  3. Beau

    Can you help me identify this PT please?

    Not really. I had a Dodd 12" PT for many years and did not twig when first looked at this thread :oops: Good machines though with simple but solid accurate machining. Be surprised if the Dodd in the link is the same as they were a small outfit I think based in Kent.
  4. Beau

    Can you help me identify this PT please?

    Could it be a Dodd?
  5. Beau

    warped table top

    Wait! If it was flat before it is more likely than not to become flat again just giver it time for the moisture to even out.
  6. Beau

    Ash and durability

    Yes agreed it's not the best outside but not the worst either. Oak is supposed to be great but just about to make an outside bench due to the previous oak one rotting away in around 10 years :?
  7. Beau

    So you think you might get a wood boiler?

    Don't think so but freely admit to not being a stove expert. Our current stove was bare cast inside. It was good when being thrashed but when we didn't want so much heat so throttled it back it would soot up the glass and just not work as designed. I fitted it with some insulated fire sheets to...
  8. Beau

    So you think you might get a wood boiler?

    Yes bare steel. Don't know about 2ary combustion. Hope this is correct but think secondary combustion is when the gases given off from the wood ignite in the air above the logs. If the stove is not very hot these gases go up the flue unburnt wasting a lot of potential energy. It's why a lot of...
  9. Beau

    Ash and durability

    Most older members will have seen ash used on the coach work on Morris travellers. As an aside I sell a lot of firewood and ash is one of the few species that when left in the round outside shows little decay after a couple of years.
  10. Beau

    So you think you might get a wood boiler?

    Do you get a good secondary combustion with the Dowlings? Looks like they are just bare steel inside with no fire brick.
  11. Beau

    So you think you might get a wood boiler?

    But they absorb more as they get older. So 100 acres of saplings don's absorb as much as 100 acres of mature forest. Pretty sure there is a lot of complaints from forester's that there is little or no effort being put into planting at the moment and it's all hands to the pump for harvesting (UK)
  12. Beau

    So you think you might get a wood boiler?

    Ouch! can see why that's a bind. Surprised you have to have than many burns. Most of the systems I see need feeding once or twice a day. Is it undersized hence all the fuelling or part of the design?
  13. Beau

    Cabinet scrapers?

    Glad you managed it Richard. A cabinet scraper is such a good tool once you have them sharpened right.
  14. Beau

    So you think you might get a wood boiler?

    Yes it's a tricky one. In the medium term it's close to to Co2 neutral but in the short term it's not as trees take 20-100 years to grow. Mind you someone pointed out to me oil and coal are Co2 neutral if you play the long game :D
  15. Beau

    So you think you might get a wood boiler?

    How often do you have to feed it?
  16. Beau

    Festool - almost persuaded !!

    Got to say had a good look in Axminster and various mitre saws and thought the Dewalt was the most sturdy and potentially accurate (didn't get to use it). It had the least deflection on the runners of them all. Festool KS 120 was neat and light and if space was at a premium would be my second...
  17. Beau

    So you think you might get a wood boiler?

    Might be of interest
  18. Beau

    Cabinet scrapers?

    IMO yes. The way I sharpen my Stanley scraper is start of polishing off the old burr/hook on a stone. Sharpen the blade to 45 degrees and hone it to a nice sharpe edge as you would do with any other cutting edge. Then turn the hook with a piece of hardened steel which is drawn horizontally...
  19. Beau

    So you think you might get a wood boiler?

    I am surprised more people don't do this. With a strong extra pair of hands I work on it costing my customers between £10-£15 per cube to process based on a days work.
  20. Beau

    So you think you might get a wood boiler?

    They can if its a larger set up like the OP mentions. I do contract log cutting for various sized set ups. If you buy in roundwood by the wagon load and get it cut up on site you can easily undercut mains gas. I recon £75 per cube is the point at which logs match gas and on a larger scale you...