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  1. H

    Roubo-workbench in Southern Yellow pine with leg vice

    Very,very nice. But you really need the arty black and white shot to make it truly a Chris Schwarz bench!
  2. H

    Secrete Bookshelf Doors - updated with the gadgets

    Brilliant. When you have friends round they might know you have a "secret door" but then they have to guess which one is really the secret door and which one is the dummy! =D>
  3. H

    Rutlands Powered Router Table

    Oh. I saw the title on my email and assumed it was a powerfeed attachment for a router table #-o :oops:
  4. H

    workshop air filter

    If only I was on commission #-o
  5. H

    workshop air filter

    All I can say is that it wasn't a con for me. I've been running mine for 4-5 hours/week for the last 2 months and it hasn't skipped a beat. Best of luck with yours :D
  6. H

    workshop air filter

    I thought EU4 caught 90% of dust above 1 micron and about 50% of dust at 0.5 micron. Still, not the best but definitely not the worst.
  7. H

    workshop air filter

    This is made by microclene and but SIP badged. As far as I can tell it is the microclene MC780. This means all the filters are available for it although I have yet to replace them. The unit itself is not too noisy and has definitely reduced the residual dust in my 'shop. HTH H.
  8. H

    workshop air filter

    I was also going to build my own but then bought this: ... 232dad19b9 It is actually built by microclene. Don't know how this ebay company can sell them for this price!
  9. H

    How to build a built-in bookcase?

    It's only mitred dovetails. How difficult can that be?! On the other hand I now know where his interest in his stackable campaign furniture came from! H.
  10. H

    basic training

    Just look out for local evening courses. Or there is the Paul Sellers online course which works out cheaper than the average evening course but no direct tuition. Personally (and my approach over the past three years), if you already have even half a workshop at home just get in there and...
  11. H

    Twin Kitchenettes

    I also really like this. Your work really complements the structure of the building too. What kind of school can afford to have an oak frame? Must be a special place!
  12. H

    My Garage, aheemmmm Workshop

    Did it really take a qualified electrician a couple of days to the job? I would have thought it would be about £200 all in. I hate any trade that can charge a premium because we are legally obliged to use them. I reckon there is a niche in the market for someone who is willing to just test and...
  13. H

    26 cubic feet of southern yellow pine

    I did the same. My bench is construction timber that had already been used. A nearby college was being stripped and they recycled all the studwork. Got all the wood for my workbench for £17! Once I machined it all it looked surprisingly good. Half way through the build now. After the initial...
  14. H

    Newbie Timber Sourcing Advice

    After years of swithering what kind of bench to build I've just started building a "Seller's"/English/British bench. I do have my own planer thicknesser so have used reclaimed construction timber but I reckon PAR timber would be easier! The only thing I am going to do differently is recess the...
  15. H

    Free magazines on line inc Fine Woodworking Archive

    Haven't Fine Woodworking and Popular woodworking been flogging CD/DVDs recently that cover all past issues? I am sure these sell for $1-200. If that is the case why would FWW give these away?
  16. H

    Office chairs that convert into lounge chair challenge!

    I have a bit of a challenge here. My beloved cinema room is going to be invaded and will soon have to also accomodate the home office and also act as a kids play room. There is not going to be enough room to have my comfy watching sofa with all the desks and office chairs. I was therefore...
  17. H

    Moulding out of different profiles.

    This may be more complicated than you would like but you could try Wendel's tilting router lift: H.
  18. H

    Forums and magazines: a blurred line

    I think that is potentially a very good idea. I can see a few potential problems your side such as making sure someone from the magazine manned the forum and kept up with the content. If a forum thread referenced a particular article then it would be most beneficial if the author of the article...
  19. H

    Forums and magazines: a blurred line

    Nick - the guys at pocket mags sorted it out in about ten minutes after I emailed this morning - but thanks for looking into it. The magazine looks good on the tablet too! In my original post I did make a point of saying I appreciate the production values that go into making an article, and I...