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  1. B

    Anyone using Raspberry Pi?

    just have a stagehand with a switch?
  2. B

    This fell into my car.

    You lucky so and so
  3. B

    Lots of stuff came my way yesterday.

    last time I attempted to use a primus stove. I was on a school camping trip. We were shown how to light them, then left to our own devices. Not 10 mins later. they were engulfed on flames. next to a building. Instructor calmly walked up. put his boot behind it into the middle of the empty field...
  4. B

    Looking to get a Winch

    Go and see Jason at Wolves Machine Mart. He will sort you out with what you need
  5. B

    Compressor advice for a total noob

    Sorry, but Machine Mart DO back up what they sell.
  6. B

    Show us a carving

    Not mine, but a friend in my medieval group. She made it for her mom's 80th birthday. There is a twist though. She only worked on it when we had a show, so made it in the middle of a field with only hand tools and sanded it with sharkskin
  7. B

    Compressor advice for a total noob

    Pop into Machine Mart. look at the compressors there. Then wait for the 'price crash' deals. They only sell PLC fittings, you only need normal flow ones on a nail gun as opposed to the high flow ones
  8. B

    Parkside Angle Grinder Owners - can you help with a favour please?

    get a couple. the dust will kill them. Doesn't matter if it's an expensive one It will still die. get the cheapest you can.
  9. B

    What size drill bit for octagonal Oak dowels.

    Did you draw bore the holes? Octagonal was used originally, as it is easier to get a square of timber and plane the edges off a few times. time wouldn't be spent making them completely round, as there would be quite a few used in a build.. Time is money!
  10. B

    Limitations of my lathe.

    I have to beg the question. Why were you using a four jaw chuck on a tube in the first place? Of course. if that is the only chuck you have, then that is the one you use. (but it's a lot harder)
  11. B

    Need a medieval blacksmith

    The Ferrers household has a medieval Blacksmith. He Makes these and Bodkins on every show we do. Ferrers Household Are you on Facebook? We are on there and is usually the best way to contact us Ferrers Household
  12. B

    Sold Metal working lathe repair project

    That's too cheap, even without the electronic gubbins
  13. B

    US equivalent nearest to UK M10 bolt

    yes, by buying a 3/8th bolt. Why try and complicate things?
  14. B

    Wilko and out...

    was reading the Wiki entry for Wilko's. Looks to me like one of the directors Has been taking 3 million quid a year in dividends, irrespective of them making a loss or not.
  15. B

    Wilko and out...

    heard that the other day. sad news, where to get pic-n-mix bolts and lego now?
  16. B

    Electric/small/portable air compressor

    Firstly. DON'T blow yourself down with compressed air! the potential to introduce an embolism is very high. Before anyone jumps. I did it to myself years ago and without good medical intervention. I wouldn't be here now.
  17. B

    Is a multi function workshop a flying submarine?

    You want things 'perfect' That is where you are going wrong. What you want the space to do. will always result in compromising somewhere. IE not 'perfect' for all of the applications. Once you get that into your head. you may be able to progress
  18. B

    Total newbie

    Like the moose, welcome to the forum
  19. B

    Wolf Drill chuck removal

    A ball joint splitter would be the ideal tool for the job