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  1. B

    Using Pewter

    oak by any chance? The Tannin will be reacting with the copper in the pewter. Can't help with stopping it though as I have no experience of doing that
  2. B

    some bootfair bits! where theres muck theres brass!!

    does it have a war department broad arrow on it? If so it may be an EOD issue
  3. B

    Hobbyist woodwork need help!

    Nope, As you have found out, Wood is Very expensive! Try skips, with permission of course. Pallets for practice and even charity shops for old furniture
  4. B

    My recent injuries.

    Unfortunately, A weightlifters belt would be no use to me as I suffer from scoliosis, (same as Richard the third) It holds my back in the wrong place and I'm in pain.
  5. B

    It takes one, etc.

    Just be thankful they are 'talking' and not pushing buttons!
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    My recent injuries.

    Once your back 'goes' It's always going to play up. I have a VERY good osteopath I use. He keeps me mobile. A quick manipulation maybe once or twice a year. Doesn't help that I have been a fork lift truck driver for 34 years, driving on pot holed roads and constant twisting and flexing, isn't...
  7. B

    My recent injuries.

    Doesn't take much to put your back out. I did mine picking a pair of shoes up!
  8. B

    Starting to work with metal?

    I wasn't sure If I could post the link, so thank you for doing so. I'm a member, (same username) Agree about the thickness of arc welding But it's a tool you can put away and not worry about wire rusting, gas leaking and stuff like that.
  9. B

    Starting to work with metal?

    If you are going the welding route. There is a very good forum as mentioned before. Mig or stick, the first thing to do is throw away the stupid masks that they all seem to come with. Pop onto E-bay and get an auto darkening mask. they really do help. Don't forget that the stuff you stick...
  10. B

    Aldi (again) but not tool related yippeee.....

    Will it deliver itself? lol
  11. B

    Aldi Bandsaw trips power

    you could have exchanged it for another one, I have one from last year, a nice useful bit of kit (with a tuffsaw blade)
  12. B

    Aldi Bandsaw trips power

    that sounds like it is a direct earth fault. I had the same refurbishing a planner thicknesser, I had nicked the wire and hadn't noticed. Save yourself hassle and take it back.
  13. B

    Plywood paint rack - UPDATE: finished!

    looks a nice space saving idea. Just don't go changing paint manufacturers! :)
  14. B

    Heavy duty old power tools

    Careful. that wolf drill will rip your arms off!! LOL
  15. B

    Rexon spares

    Some of you may remember my post on finding Bevel gears for a Rexon planer thicknesser. I was thinking of casting them, but that didn't work. I e-mailed Rexon spares who had them in stock. Phoned up, card details taken, delivered next day (today) Great service from Ken and we will certainly use...
  16. B

    is this where you say hello?

    Hi from me as well :)
  17. B

    Planer/thicknesser repair

    Hi all. I'm fixing a mates Rexon PT. Model number GPT317a. The nylon bevel gears that lower and raise the head have worn and don't lift parallel. I have noticed that a lot of makes use the same system. BUT, I can't get replacements! The formula for working out what is needed, is a bit beyond me...
  18. B

    diamond sharpening plate.

    thank you, I guess I need to experiment and try both, I have tried dry, won't hurt to try a bit of oil. And see what works for me. :?
  19. B

    diamond sharpening plate.

    thank you for that, Makes a lot of sense when you think about it.
  20. B

    diamond sharpening plate.

    Hi everyone, I have just bought a 'Faithful' diamond plate. Simple question, Do I put any fluid on it or use it dry? I'm not used to having sharp tools,(lol)